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Facial bone job

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4th day of facial contouring surgery

알미 2019-02-05 (화) 22:13 5 Years ago 2573
I wrote it down like a diary that day and night . I went all the way to the hospitalization room, I was so full of phlegm, and I had a very bad headache. I was told to drink water while walking around, but I felt dizzy and couldn't move at all. The first day was real hell. I didn't eat anything on the first day because I was feeling nauseous. I kept lying down and tried to sleep. The pain suddenly hit me at dawn, so I was hit with painkillers twice. I also pressed the pendulum several times. However, I had to get up again and again because of the dressing and preparations for discharge . On this day, because of headaches and nausea, I thought I was going to throw up. I didn't lose weight, and suddenly I had a pain under my chin. So, I brought painkillers, took medicine, barely took it, woke up with a high pillow, and woke up. My face was more swollen than at the hospital. A lot disappeared and I liked everything except for the swollen face ㅠㅠ It felt like I walked out of hell, ah, the cravings are starting to feel uncomfortable now ㅠㅠ I tied it all up and loosened it over and over again, but it fills up quickly My face keeps swelling... It's so scary ㅠㅠ I ate 5 pieces of pumpkin juice ㅠㅠ 3 cups of sunlight in the morning, I gargled it every now and then, and I touched my chin, but strangely, I feel that the angle has disappeared. I felt that my face was swollen all morning. I was so scared that I even tried KakaoTalk to the hospital in a hurry. My neck was so sore and it was so hard to have a craving. It seems to be about 10 hours hahahahaha On the morning of the third day, the swelling seemed to go down. For some reason, it felt like it wasn't swelling anymore, but it didn't seem to go away. I'm so hungry... the cracks on the sides of my lips haven't healed either. I can't sleep, I can't go out, I have pain in my face, my throat is swollen, I keep swallowing saliva, and then my throat hurts. Right now I'm just loosening up but it's still painful ㅠㅠㅠ I feel like I'm going to get a psychosis this morning ㅠㅠ It seems like the hardest day.. It's so painful not being able to sleep   When I checked my face on the morning of the fourth day, was it the same as yesterday? For some reason, I feel like I'm not going to say goodbye anymore. Every day is so hard and so long compared to what I thought. The inside is very throbbing ㅜㅜ My face is still swollen, and I want to get rid of the stitches in my mouth quickly. I made a list of foods I want to eat today.. I am very hungry.. I lost weight. When I was in love, the director said that I could eat it right away, and everyone said that I was going to gain weight, but I want to get rid of the cravings quickly!!

Comment 29
신블리 2019-02-05 (화) 22:27 5 Years ago Address
알미 Writer 2019-02-06 (수) 01:54 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
뜨디어윤곽 2019-02-06 (수) 08:33 5 Years ago Address
설 명절 지나구 수술하는데 너무무서워요ㅠㅠ도움이됫네용 얼마나아프고 불편한지 겪어보지않고선 잘 모르는것같아요 어느병원에서 하셨나용
알미 Writer 2019-02-13 (수) 15:27 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
뜨디어윤곽 2019-02-14 (목) 10:27 5 Years ago Address
[@알미] 네 오늘 3일차 아침이에요 너무 힘들어요ㅠㅠ
Christophe… 2019-02-06 (수) 11:42 5 Years ago Address
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ일주일지나면 살쪄요
부드러운거 위주로 엄청 식욕돋는다는
신블리 2019-02-06 (수) 17:07 5 Years ago Address
혹시 수술 하셨어요?
Christophe… 2019-02-06 (수) 21:07 5 Years ago Address
[@신블리] 네 지금 21일차예용
신블리 2019-02-07 (목) 19:44 5 Years ago Address
저도3월 예정인데요
21일차정도되면 실밥도뽑고 붓기는 남아있겠죠?..
미유야엄마얌 2019-02-08 (금) 01:02 5 Years ago Address
[@Christopher2428] 마자요 씹는구까진아니어도 저원래빵안조아하는데 왠카스테라우유에말아서 거의 흡입기.....살쩟어요
알미 Writer 2019-02-09 (토) 18:54 5 Years ago Address
[@Christopher2428] 먹고싶은거 엄청많아요지금도ㅜㅜ못씹으니  환장하겟어여.. 다음주토욜에 입안실밥 제거하는데 그날만 기다리는중이에여....
모니mon 2019-02-07 (목) 00:05 5 Years ago Address
아구 홧팅하세요!! ㅜㅠ어디서하셨나용!
알미 Writer 2019-02-09 (토) 19:07 5 Years ago Address
[@모니mon]  저 신논현역에잇는  ㅂ에사 햇어욤
Qodqhrgowl… 2019-02-10 (일) 02:27 5 Years ago Address
[@알미] ㅇㄷㅊ 원장님한테 받으신건가용??
알미 Writer 2019-02-11 (월) 19:03 5 Years ago Address
코따까리 2019-02-07 (목) 21:06 5 Years ago Address
저도 하고싶어서 알아보고 있는데
붓기도 거의 없고 통증도 많이 없었단 사람은 개뻥 아님
이뻐지실꺼예요. .기운 내시고 홧팅
알미 Writer 2019-02-09 (토) 18:52 5 Years ago Address
[@코따까리]  진심 개뻥인듯요 일주일이면 큰붓기 빠진다는글 진짜많이봣는데 저 일주일찬데 얼굴 엄청커요 ㅠㅠ
촤라아ㅏㅏ 2019-02-10 (일) 23:35 5 Years ago Address
알미 Writer 2019-02-13 (수) 15:25 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
루루룽 2019-02-12 (화) 00:03 5 Years ago Address
왠지 공감가요...
루루룽 2019-02-12 (화) 00:03 5 Years ago Address
haha호호 2019-02-13 (수) 19:00 5 Years ago Address
병원에서 수술 다음날부터 쌀죽먹을수있다는데 ㅋㅋ개뻥인거같아요 그리고 목이그렇게아파서 침삼키기힘들어서 호출벨눌렀는데 감기걸려서 목따끔거린다고 생각하래요 해줄수있는게 없다고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ아놔..저도 수술다음날까진 엄청힘들었네요 목가누는것도 힘들구요.. 4일차까지는 이아픈거랑 고통이 왔다가 참을만했다가 반복이였어요
알미 Writer 2019-02-15 (금) 17:50 5 Years ago Address
[@haha호호] 저도 4일차까지 죽을맛이었어여 ㅠㅠ저는 아직도 목감기처럼 목이아파요ㅜㅠ
페레로73 2019-02-15 (금) 16:11 5 Years ago Address
제가지금 겪고있는것들이네요ㅠㅠ 혹시 일반식은 언제부터 드셨나요?
알미 Writer 2019-02-15 (금) 17:54 5 Years ago Address
[@페레로73] ㅠㅠ힘내세요.. 저는 딱 저때까지가 엄청 힘들었어요..지금은 먹는게 가장 힘들구요.. 저 아직 일반식 못먹습니다ㅠㅠ현재 13일차입니다
뿜삔 2019-02-15 (금) 20:53 5 Years ago Address
저도 수술 고민중인데 후기 앞으로도 부탁드려도될까여ㅠㅠ
알미 Writer 2019-02-16 (토) 10:47 5 Years ago Address
[@뿜삔] 10년이상 고민하셧으면 병원 투어해보시능거 추천드립니다 주변에선 괜찮다하지만 모자못쓰고 포니테일못하고 제 얼굴형에 너무 스트레스 받앗어서 오랜고민끝에 수술을 결심햇습니다 간단한 수술이 아니기에 잘 생각해보고 선택하세요ㅠㅠ
닭꼬지 2019-02-18 (월) 20:23 5 Years ago Address
이석증심한데 울렁증이 제일걱정이네요
구역질 엄청 나올거같아요
전신마취로 하신거죠?
아 수면마취병원으로 바꾸고싶어지네요
알미 Writer 2019-02-18 (월) 22:50 5 Years ago Address
[@닭꼬지] 네 전신마취햇어요 윤곽도 수면마취해주는데가 잇나요? 저도 좀 심한편이라 가만히 누워잇으면 괜찮은데 자꾸 움직이고 물마시라고 하니까 머리아프고 엄청 울렁울렁 거렷어여 그때마다 벨눌러서 진통제나 주사 놔달라고 꼭 하세요 ㅠㅠ 물마시고 움직이는게 좋긴한데 토하느니 그냥 안먹고 누워잇는쪽을 선택햇습니다 저는..
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