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Facial bone job

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3 types of facial contouring, day 55 review

라듐 2019-02-07 (목) 03:35 5 Years ago 2392
It's the 55th day since the surgery. Since it's far away from home, I decided on three groups, went to the hospital, received a consultation, paid on the spot, set the surgery date, and had the surgery.    1. Transportation)) I was worried about coming back after the surgery because I couldn't take the bus, so I took my car. I parked it for 1 day and tried to drag it the next day, but I could never pull it. It hurt so much that I called a substitute. 2. On the day of surgery)) Ha... arrived 1 hour late ㅠㅠㅠㅠ; I had to calculate the remaining amount, but since the daily payment amount was set, I had to withdraw the money, so I wasted a lot of time ㅠㅠ; 3. After the surgery, I was so out of my mind that I didn't even know I was in pain, so I just went somewhere... Then, I arrived at the hospital room where I was going to stay for a day, and after a few hours, the anesthesia started to wear off. 4. Post-surgery pain)) Wigan can express it in words. ;; I was in so much pain that I couldn't calm down even though I was getting painkillers. It felt like my face was pouring out. It was the first time in my life I had felt such extreme pain. After the surgery, I vomited a lot until the early morning of the next day. When I got painkillers, my stomach started to churn, so I kept vomiting and painkillers. When I turned it off, the pain increased and it was so painful and irritating that I almost died.  5. Review from 3-5 days after coming home)) I was in so much pain for almost 5 days. It hurt so much that I cried a lot, couldn't speak, couldn't drink water, and had a hard time moving. Why did I do this? I just wanted to go back to the time before when I was just living roughly. It was so hard. I kept saying I wanted to die. 6. Rice)) Indeed, people who say they eat rice around 7 days are really amazing. I only drank milk for up to 2 weeks. I couldn't chew anything, let alone chew. Even after the 2nd week of eating , I ate soft rice, soybean paste rice, etc. I've been eating proper rice since 4 weeks.  7. The swelling was really bad)) It was really bad, and the follow-up care was so poor that I had to go to an oriental medicine clinic separately and get acupuncture. The price was very expensive. ㅠㅠ I'm not sure about the effect... And after a month of swelling, my face looked like a human's. 8 years old (weight) )) I went from 64 to 58. This was the best thing in 2 weeks. I got used to the dog not eating, so now I'm starting a diet. So I got my weight up to 54. Maybe that's why I don't think there's any sagging. If you're still curious, just ask.

Comment 23
장고 2019-02-07 (목) 11:44 5 Years ago Address
지금 붓기는 어떠신가요?
라듐 Writer 2019-02-08 (금) 01:17 5 Years ago Address
[@장고] 저지금엄청빠졌어요 애들이엄청이ㅃ졌대요
장고 2019-02-09 (토) 02:18 5 Years ago Address
[@라듐] 다행이네요ㅠㅠ 저도 한달반째에 복학인데 많이 자연스러워졌으면 좋겠어여
gu**** 2019-02-07 (목) 11:51 5 Years ago Address
감사해요! 작성자님처럼 후기글 남겨주신거 엄청 도움되는데 저도 꼭 알려드려야겠어요ㅠㅠ 진짜 감사합니다! 혹시 병원 세군대 어디어디 가보셨는지 쪽지로 알려주실수 있으실까요??
정면에서 광대효과가 얼마나 보이는지 궁금해요! 새해복많이받으세요!!!
라듐 Writer 2019-02-08 (금) 01:20 5 Years ago Address
[@gu****] 얼굴음 청 갸름해지고 친구들이 다이뿌대요
하지만 다신안하고싳어요ㅠㅠㅠ너무힘들얼서
신블리 2019-02-07 (목) 20:00 5 Years ago Address
지금 붓기는 좀 어떠세요?입벌어짐도 궁금해요
라듐 Writer 2019-02-08 (금) 01:18 5 Years ago Address
[@신블리]  병원은 사람들이 비추하는병원이에요 병원중여하긴한대 의미두지마세요 붓기엄청빠지고 입도 벌어져요 ㅎㅎㅎ
미유야엄마얌 2019-02-08 (금) 01:00 5 Years ago Address
우와저는52에서58댓어요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ원래하루한끼먹다가 죽이러도 세끼다먹고 빵우유에말아먹고 휴 회복잘댜셧으면다행이네옴
라듐 Writer 2019-02-08 (금) 01:19 5 Years ago Address
[@미유야엄마얌] 넵 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ 이제는 많이 괜찮아졌어요
csp00088 2019-02-08 (금) 17:11 5 Years ago Address
다이어트는 식이요법만 하신거죠?
라듐 Writer 2019-02-09 (토) 17:31 5 Years ago Address
[@csp00088] 한약먹고 하루에 먹던밥 3/1로줄이고(한끼)
배고프면 계랑먹고 어쩔수없를땐 밥먹끼도하는데 진자조금먹어요
도당도당 2019-02-09 (토) 02:50 5 Years ago Address
저도 요즘 하고 싶어서 알아본느데 많이 아픈가요 ㅜㅜ
라듐 Writer 2019-02-09 (토) 17:32 5 Years ago Address
[@도당도당] 글쓴대로에요ㅠㅠ
길콩 2019-02-10 (일) 02:51 5 Years ago Address
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ남잔데 7일차까지 개공감..
진짜 무통주산데도 너무 욱씬거리고..
배는 너무고프고 목에 호스넣어둔거때문에 부어서 물마시기힘들고
와..저는 코도 같이해서 진짜 이게 사람사는건가 싶더라구요..
이제 2주차 조금지났는데 삼겹살도 먹고 일반식사하고있는데..
아직 붓기가 있어서 그런지 전후 효과를 못느끼는 친구들이 대부분입니다..
효과는 어떠세요?
알미 2019-02-13 (수) 11:46 5 Years ago Address
[@길콩] 삼겹살 드실수잇어요? 헐.. 저지금 12일찬데 계란찜 먹는것도 너무 힘드네요ㅜㅜ완전부럽다 ㅂ저두 밥먹고싶어요..
루루룽 2019-02-12 (화) 00:00 5 Years ago Address
혹시 병원 정보는 알수있을까요?
Christophe… 2019-02-12 (화) 11:38 5 Years ago Address
한달째랑 두달째 또 다른가요?
한달째인데 아직도붓기가 있네요ㅜㅜ
dexxong 2019-02-12 (화) 21:53 5 Years ago Address
후기 감사합니다
알미 2019-02-13 (수) 11:47 5 Years ago Address
저도 살엄처빠졌어여 ㅜㅜ53에서 49까지 빠졋네여.. 근데 살은 쭊쭉빠지는데 얼굴만 엄청커요 ㅋㅋㅋ부드러운음식 먹을만한게 뭐가잇을까요 추천좀해주세요ㅠㅠ
닭꼬지 2019-02-18 (월) 20:30 5 Years ago Address
얼굴부셔지는느낌이라니 글만봐도 발이오그라드네요
무서워서요ㅜㅜ 하 광대만하는데도
겁이나는데 3종하신분들 대단
쥬지미 2019-03-01 (금) 15:36 5 Years ago Address
정확한후기네여ㅜㅜ5일됫는데죽으꺼같아요 나는강하니까잘참으니까독하니까 이심정으로했다가 호대게당햇네요
zeze900 2019-03-15 (금) 18:24 5 Years ago Address
[@쥬지미] 많이 아프셨나요?? 3종 다하신거에요??ㅠㅠ
두부김치 2019-08-02 (금) 15:50 5 Years ago Address
헠...저랑 똑같아요 지금은 많이 좋아지셨을듯??
일주일지났는데도 3시간 간격으로 정확히 시계처럼 아퍼요 ㅋㅋㅋ
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