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Facial bone job

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I think it's been about 5 years since I had a square jaw.

산다라 2019-02-07 (목) 21:12 5 Years ago 2548
5 years ago, I had a square jaw reduction surgery through an incision in the mouth. It was very difficult at the time, but I forgot about it. The big swelling went away in 1-2 weeks, but it was still swollen for about a month . The feeling of having candy on my cheeks lasted quite a while. Six months? 1 year? After about a while, the feeling of the candy bite has weakened, but it doesn't seem to go away at all. Other than that, I'm satisfied with the surgery. I really hated the square jaw, but now I don't have a square jaw, but I would have done the same with the cheekbones .

Comment 16
뼈로가는DNA 2019-02-08 (금) 00:10 5 Years ago Address
I wonder if you're feeling a little sagging now
산다라 Writer 2019-02-08 (금) 00:26 5 Years ago Address
[@DNA to the bone]   When I recovered my square jaw, I also lost a lot of cheek fat, so I don't have a lot of saggy skin first..;;; I don't have sagging, but I feel like my skin's elasticity has fallen worse than before because I'm getting older. I feel like I'm getting old...?
뼈로가는DNA 2019-02-08 (금) 00:45 5 Years ago Address
[@Sandara] Thanks for the reply
단무찌 2019-02-08 (금) 00:17 5 Years ago Address
저도 쳐짐 궁금해요! ㅠㅠ 5년이면 꽤 된 시간인데 어떠신가요??
산다라 Writer 2019-02-08 (금) 00:26 5 Years ago Address
[@단무찌] 사각턱 회복 할 때 볼 살도 많이 빠져서 처질 살이 우선 많이 없구요..;;; 처짐은 없는 데 나이가 들어서 피부탄력이 예전보다 심하게 떨어진 느낌이 들어요 나잇살 느낌...?
로러 2019-02-08 (금) 15:20 5 Years ago Address
병원 정보 부탁드려도 될까요????
산다라 Writer 2019-02-08 (금) 16:36 5 Years ago Address
[@로러]  5년이나 흘러서 ... 이게 볼처짐인지 나잇살인지 사실 잘 모르겠어요 ㅠㅠ 그래도 전신마취 후 살아났고 모양도 잘 나온 것 같아 좋아했는 데 지금은 어떨지 모르겠어요. 예전보다 정보도 많이 안 보이구 그러네요 ㅋㅋ에서 했어요
Selena10 2019-02-08 (금) 19:27 5 Years ago Address
ㅋㅋ가 어딘가요 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 검색해도안나와서요 ㅠ
산다라 Writer 2019-02-09 (토) 00:50 5 Years ago Address
[@Selena10]  쿠키예요. 5년 전엔 후기도 많고 그랬던 것 같은 데 요즘은 후기가 없는 것 같아요; 인기가 시들해졌나란 생각이 드네요
Selena10 2019-02-09 (토) 16:20 5 Years ago Address
[@산다라] 헉 처음들어보는곳.... 검색해볼게요 감사합니다!
띠아모야 2019-02-10 (일) 18:53 5 Years ago Address
저는턱한지 2년다되가요~ 저두님처럼 턱이갸름해지니 광대가돋보여서 이번에광대합니다..
산다라 Writer 2019-02-13 (수) 16:44 5 Years ago Address
[@띠아모야]  전 이제 시간이 없어서 여름에 하려구요.. 광대도 잘 되시길^^
닭꼬지 2019-02-18 (월) 20:35 5 Years ago Address
비용은 얼마주고하셨어요? 사각턱한개만이면..?
여기 상담때 되게 사람많다고 들었거든요
산다라 Writer 2019-02-18 (월) 23:14 5 Years ago Address
[@닭꼬지]  저 5년 전에 350+부가세35 주고 했는 데 지금은 올랐을 것 같아요 ;;
Ha83 2019-02-22 (금) 01:21 5 Years ago Address
쬬쿄뵤 2022-04-06 (수) 13:37 2 Years ago Address
혹시 현재 처짐은 없으실까요? ㅠㅠ
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