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Review of cheek surgery on 2018.12.31

0싱 2019-01-01 (화) 05:35 5 Years ago 1587
hello. Originally, 2 weeks ago, the 12th was the day of surgery.. Just before the surgery, I took a thermometer and it was over 38 degrees . They said it was the flu.. I wrote that I was taking care of my body, but it was the flu.. It was unintentional, but I'm sorry that the hospital schedule was punctured.. Yesterday, on the 31st, I finally completed my clown surgery..! The surgery was performed under sedation and fixed front and back, and the pain and swelling were less than I thought. Well, the pain is to the extent that the cheek area throbs a little if you stand still, but if you dare move your jaw, you will feel the pain. Swelling should be monitored in the future. Still looking forward to it and excited. It's like when you first had plastic surgery ㅋㅋ If you recover quickly~~ Lastly, I wish everyone who had surgery a great success in the new year!!!!

Comment 12
동키 2019-01-01 (화) 14:14 5 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
곧마흔 2019-01-01 (화) 17:41 5 Years ago Address
2019년엔 더 이뻐지세요!
0싱 Writer 2019-01-02 (수) 23:38 5 Years ago Address
[@곧마흔]  감사합니다!!
보표 2019-01-02 (수) 23:05 5 Years ago Address
어디서 하신건가요??
mode**** 2019-01-03 (목) 07:02 5 Years ago Address
사진은 없나요 볼수있으면 좋을텐데요~~사진은 없나요 볼수있으면 좋을텐데요~~
0싱 Writer 2019-01-03 (목) 14:38 5 Years ago Address
[@mode****]  실밥풀고 붓기좀 빠지면 사진 올릴려구요~
쩌엉이ㄸㄸ 2019-01-03 (목) 10:54 5 Years ago Address
잔붓기는 계속빠지니까요 고생하셨어요!!
0싱 Writer 2019-01-03 (목) 14:38 5 Years ago Address
[@쩌엉이ㄸㄸ]  감사합니다~~
이응ㅎ 2019-01-06 (일) 11:23 5 Years ago Address
잘됐으면 좋겠네요. 성공하세요~
0싱 Writer 2019-01-09 (수) 07:33 5 Years ago Address
[@이응ㅎ] 감사합니다ㅎ
테일러힐 2019-01-15 (화) 21:00 5 Years ago Address
광대하고 패임은없으신건가요
0싱 Writer 2019-01-16 (수) 06:53 5 Years ago Address
[@테일러힐]  부럽긴요ㅎ 아직 패임은 안보여요~
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