It's been a month since I had cheek surgery done by making incisions on the 45-degree side and sideburns.
The major swelling went down and I had serious Indian wrinkles.
I had the surgery at a hospital that said there was no sagging cheeks.
When I visited after a month and asked if it was because of the swelling, the original person said I had Indian wrinkles. They say it is.
They didn't take a CT scan after the surgery to check and just felt it, so I sent it without a CT scan and asked them to come back in 3-4 months and take a picture. I asked them how to find out if it was a nonunion, and they said no one who had the surgery had that. I
know that Indian wrinkles are a type of sagging cheeks, but I had the surgery here because they advertised it as a hospital where there is absolutely no sagging cheeks, and
I feel depressed every day.