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Facial bone job

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꾸꾸휭윙 2018-10-26 (금) 00:34 5 Years ago 2268
Surgery on September 18th I was hospitalized on the 17th and operated from 8 am to 12 am on the 18th. I'm a bit timid, but it's the surgery I've been wanting since high school, so I wasn't nervous until the night before going to bed. But the next day , from the moment the nurse unnie woke up, I was trembling like crazy hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha”; Being sick and being difficult are two different things. I don't think it's a painful surgery unless the contour is wrong and it doesn't touch the nerves. The reason I had a hard time was 1. Neck pain due to general anesthesia, voice resting 2. Severely swollen face I was skinny and had anemia, so the process of physically recovering from the surgery itself was difficult. I knew that my physical strength was not good and I wanted to recover well, so I went to the hospital saying that I would be in the hospital for a week before the operation, and I recovered for a week at the hospital . After that, time seems to take care of it. Even if it is difficult to eat, eat well and take a walk for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and eat pumpkin juice! If you live like that, you will feel like you have a human face for about three weeks. Of course, even now at 6 weeks, my cheeks are chubby and my lips are awkward... And shall I do the outline too? It's not serious, but it will make you prettier, right? If you think lightly like this, you will regret it during the surgery process. I tried to think positively before and after surgery because I thought about it for 10 years and made a decision, and even though the process was difficult, I never regretted it. ???Question  Since the 2nd week, I ate finely chopped food, and from the 3rd week onwards, I ate all of Jjajangmyeon, sweet and sour pork, and chicken.. Today, I ate wrapped ribs. But if you look at other posts, you were careful to eat liquid food even at the 4th week, right? I'm not sure if I'm weird or if I shouldn't be like this TT Yet. Except for the bulging cheeks and the unnatural things in the mouth, there is no pain or abnormality... How did you eat?

Comment 12
하우스와이프 2018-10-26 (금) 03:28 5 Years ago Address
평소에도 어지러움엄청심한데 광대전신마취너무겁나네요
일주일이나 계셨다니.. 진짜너무대단해보여요
3종이라니ㅠㅠ하신분들 한달까지 고기류잘안먹던데
꾸꾸휭윙 Writer 2018-10-26 (금) 13:00 5 Years ago Address
[@하우스와이프] 수술 전에 많이 드시고 건강관히 하세요 꼭!!ㅜ
소우주 2018-10-26 (금) 12:40 5 Years ago Address
전 벌써 5개월차에요 시간 금방 갈거에요ㅋㅋㅋ 음 근데 저도 한달 안되서 막 바게트빵먹고.. 근데 그때 광대쪽애서 핀 소리가 나서 그뒤론 정신차리고 부드러운 것만 먹긴했어요 면같은건 부드러워서 괜찮지만 조금 딱딱하고 질기다 싶으면 입에 대지 마세요ㅠㅠ
꾸꾸휭윙 Writer 2018-10-26 (금) 12:59 5 Years ago Address
[@소우주] 부러워요ㅜㅜ 혹시 입매는 언제 자연스러워 지셨어요? 전 아직도 윗입술 왼쪽이 부자연스러워요 뽀뽀입술 하면 약간 윗입술이 왼쪽이 어색하고 잘안오므려지는 느낌이랄까요...
소우주 2018-10-26 (금) 13:08 5 Years ago Address
[@꾸꾸휭윙] 전 입술은 수술 첫날부터 자연스러웠어서... 혹시 감각은 잘느껴지세요?? 도움 못되드려 죄송해요..ㅠㅠ
뜻은낙천 2018-10-26 (금) 23:52 5 Years ago Address
쌈이요??  전 21일차 3주됐는제 입안벌어져서 숟가락도 잘못쓰는데..... 진짜 입매랑 밥편하게먹는거 궁금해요
꾸꾸휭윙 Writer 2018-10-27 (토) 16:20 5 Years ago Address
[@뜻은낙천] 저도 베스킨 숫가락 가지고다녔어요 근데 어느순간부터 입도 잘벌어지고 고기도 막 먹고...그렇게되더라구요 아마 3,4주차때부터 그랬던거같아요 지금도 입벌리는 연습하고 아에이오우 계속 하고있어요...ㅎㅎ
뜻은낙천 2018-10-27 (토) 17:34 5 Years ago Address
[@꾸꾸휭윙] 병원에서 연습 미친듯이 하라네요ㅜㅜ 이걸 전 오늘 들었지만
2018-10-27 (토) 22:53 5 Years ago Address
자세한 후기 감사드려요. 저도 수능끝나는대로 상담 돌고 수술하려구요!
왓에버유원 2018-10-31 (수) 18:49 5 Years ago Address
후기 감사드려요 회복 잘 되시길 바라요!
저도 빈혈있고 마른 체형이라 고민인데.. 6일치 입원비는 어떻게 하셨나요?
병원 정보랑 입원비에 관한 사항좀 쪽지로 받을 수 있을까요?
꿍꾸이 2018-11-04 (일) 17:23 5 Years ago Address
10년 고민후 결정하신 수술이니 부작용 없이 붓기도 예쁘게 빠져서 자리잡기를 바래봅니다아~^^ 상세한 후기네요~~ 감사해요~~ 어느 병원인지와 비용이 궁금해요~~ ㅜㅜ 등급때메 댓글들이 안보여요~~~ ㅜㅜ
진티엠기 2018-11-05 (월) 08:48 5 Years ago Address
전신마취 너무 부담스러워요 ㅠㅠㅠ 정말 무서움
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