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Facial bone job

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It's the first day of facial contour mini V-line surgery!

하늘마미 2018-05-10 (목) 09:20 6 Years ago 2350
I underwent surgery yesterday at 1 o'clock at ㅇㅇㅇ Director Park Sang- hoon. There were a lot of posts about proxy surgery, so they said that CCTV would take a short video during the surgery with a mobile phone because there was no part in the operating room. Lastly, when I saw my face and consulted, I appealed once more about the length of my chin, and the director wrote down what I wanted on the chart. As soon as I entered the operating room, I fell asleep, and after the surgery, I rode a wheelchair to the hospital room, but it was really, really hard. They also washed my eyes, put artificial tears in them, and gave me an ice pack!! Painkillers were given every 4 hours. Painless injections were also given. ..It's a large hospital, so there are a lot of people who've had surgeries, and I'm afraid to do it roughly... Everyone be kind! They came to see me at dawn... There were some who were kind and some who weren't, but in general they said they were sick and worried a lot!! In the evening, the director came for rounds and said that the surgery went well, he paid attention to the chin part and the length of the surgery... Then at 9:00 this morning, he said that he had the blood bag removed, and at 6:00 he would not fast again. He came and took it out. I removed the blood pocket and removed the bandage and looked at the mirror , but I am 100%, no, 10000% satisfied . I don't know the detailed line, but the length of my chin has shrunk!!!!! I'm really moved . I'm satisfied so far. Of course, I don't know what will happen, but I'm satisfied now! My neck still hurts from general anesthesia. The pain in my face is not very severe.

Comment 16
다이아 2018-05-10 (목) 13:11 6 Years ago Address
거기가 as는 괜찮더라구요. 앞으로 붓기 빠지는 시간동안 인고의 시간을 겪게 되겠지만~ 전 오늘 2주차라서 실밥 뽑으러 갑니다. 2주 지났는데 시간이 왜케 안가는지 붓기에 좋대서 그동안 미친듯이 걸어다녔는데 체중감량은 잘 안돼서 우울~ ㅋ
하늘마미 Writer 2018-05-10 (목) 21:05 6 Years ago Address
[@다이아] 실밥뽑는데어쩌셨어요ㅠㅠ?아프지않았어요?저도식욕돋아서큰일낫어요!!
다이아 2018-05-10 (목) 21:16 6 Years ago Address
[@하늘마미] 쫌 따끔거리긴 한데 참을만해요 혀에 걸리적거리는 실이 없어지니까 살만함~  씹는것 언감생심 꿈도 못꾸고, 짠거나 매운건 잇몸이 불이나서 식욕 정말 땡길땐 달달한 영양갱이나 초콜렛 녹여먹으면서 보상줬어요.
다이아 2018-05-10 (목) 21:18 6 Years ago Address
[@다이아] 첨일주일간은 삶은 계란 먹고 싶은데 못 씹어서 반숙으로 해서 녹여먹음. 님은 이제 고생시작이네요
하늘마미 Writer 2018-05-11 (금) 07:45 6 Years ago Address
[@다이아] 저는...그냥 죽만먹었어요. 죽도 못씹어서 다시한번끊였어요!
생리하기전이라서 뭐가이렇게식욕이터지는지..바나나킥녹여서먹구ㅠㅠㄷ실밥까지푸셨다니 너무부럽습니다!!!
uuabc 2018-05-15 (화) 02:46 6 Years ago Address
끝나셨다니.. 부러워요ㅜㅜㅜ 고생하셨어요!!
우아아아 2018-05-15 (화) 16:18 6 Years ago Address
붓기는 어떠세요?
다이아 2018-05-15 (화) 16:22 6 Years ago Address
[@우아아아]당사자는 아니지만 어느병원이든 7일 일주일차까지는 붓기가 거기서거기.. 사람이 아니므니다ㅎㅎㅎ
하늘마미 Writer 2018-05-16 (수) 18:49 6 Years ago Address
[@우아아아] 붓기..저는 마스크끼고돌아다녀도될정도예요! 모자안쓰고ㅎ 턱쪽에는붓기있어서 사탕문듯한..사각턱느낌이있는데ㅠㅠ금방빠지겟죵
벼ㄹㄹ 2018-05-17 (목) 17:13 6 Years ago Address
지워ㅣ니ㅣㄴ 2018-05-18 (금) 15:47 6 Years ago Address
후기 감사합니다!
끽0913 2018-05-20 (일) 00:21 6 Years ago Address
할복 2018-06-04 (월) 21:12 6 Years ago Address
디비 2018-06-18 (월) 19:33 6 Years ago Address
오 부럽네요ㅠㅠ가격은대충어느정도 나오셨나요???
소똥이개똥이 2019-10-03 (목) 16:03 4 Years ago Address
잘되셨다니 다행입니다
zybae 2023-07-27 (목) 16:36 1 Years ago Address
아부러워요 !
계속 고민 중인데.. 혹시 견적 여쭤봐도 될까요 ?
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