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Facial bone job

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ㅊㄷㅁㅇㅁㄷㄱ I did a soft clown a while ago.

러시 2017-05-29 (월) 15:28 7 Years ago 7353
I was looking into cheekbone surgery and heard that it was a safe method and could be effective, so I decided to have it. I have a 45-degree cheekbone that looks bigger than the cheekbones on the side, but the doctor said that although I don't have large cheekbones, I have cheekbones compared to the size of my face. It's not dramatic, but they told me that the lines will become smoother after the surgery. I had surgery a while ago at 12 o'clock and I think it was around 2:45 when I opened my eyes. Maybe it's because I can't drink alcohol, but the anesthesia must have lasted for a long time. The nurse woke me up and I woke up. Like everyone else, I was so worried before the surgery. ㅜ It should be effective... the bones should be well attached... etc. I was so dizzy after the surgery, to the point where I couldn't walk well. When I open my mouth a little, I feel pain in my cheekbones. It's throbbing? I think it's just a little bit of a concern . Maybe it's because it's dry, but my throat hurts! And even though it's right after the surgery, my face is a little more swollen than I thought. Especially my eyelids.. haha. It's really ugly.. ㅜㅜ I'm not sure exactly because I'm wearing a bandage, but I can see that the lines around my 45-degree cheekbones have become softer?? It's so amazing... the side cheekbones are completely covered by the bandage so it's impossible to check! I want to quickly get rid of the swelling and see some results ㅜㅜ!! I hope I don't get any bruises. Right now, the nurse gave me an ice pack to use on my eyes. I'll post a second review soon! For reference, I am a man.

Comment 34
ksy1948 2017-05-29 (월) 23:55 7 Years ago Address
Thank you for the good information ^^
코코코넛 2017-05-30 (화) 00:40 7 Years ago Address
I wonder how much the surgery cost
러시 Writer 2017-05-30 (화) 11:03 7 Years ago Address
[@코코코넛] 여자랑 남자 가격차이가있다는데  저는 300주고 했습니다
하기스 2017-05-30 (화) 11:09 7 Years ago Address
이해가 안되네요. 왜 여자는 250이고 남자는 300인지~ 전 당연히 남여 같은 비용일줄알았어요
노아331 2017-05-30 (화) 12:01 7 Years ago Address
남녀가격 다른병원 많더라구요,,  남자가 여자에 비해 뼈도 더크고단단하고 약물도 많이들어가서 그렇다고하던데
러시 Writer 2017-05-30 (화) 13:41 7 Years ago Address
힘내자 2017-06-01 (목) 09:09 7 Years ago Address
수술 꼭 잘 되셨으면 좋겠네요 옆광대 알아보고 있는데 붓기가 걱정되네요
러시 Writer 2017-06-05 (월) 14:00 7 Years ago Address
[@] 감사합니다 ㅎ붓기는 지금도 많이있네요ㅜ
하은즈 2017-06-01 (목) 11:50 7 Years ago Address
저도여기ㅠㅠ제일 끌려요 정보 감사합니다
광대포1호 2017-06-04 (일) 19:59 7 Years ago Address
직장인이신가요??? 일상생활 가능하세요??
러시 Writer 2017-06-05 (월) 14:00 7 Years ago Address
[@광대포1호] 붓기와 멍이 많아요 아직은요~ 마스크안쓰면 못다닐정도에요
제시카안녕 2017-06-05 (월) 02:23 7 Years ago Address
같은 남자고 저는 타병원에서 했습니다
좋은 결과 있으시길 기원합니다
러시 Writer 2017-06-05 (월) 14:01 7 Years ago Address
[@제시카안녕] 반가워요!!ㅋㅋ 45도 효과보셨나요?  저는 지금 45도 하기전이랑 별차이가없네요ㅜ45도쪽엔 붓기 별로없는거같은데ㅜㅜ
제시카안녕 2017-06-05 (월) 17:15 7 Years ago Address
[@]  저는 마른얼굴에서 광대만 나왔던 케이스라서
눈으로 봐도 광대 들어간게 보이네요
차차 2017-06-05 (월) 13:14 7 Years ago Address
지금 어떠신가요 ?
러시 Writer 2017-06-05 (월) 14:02 7 Years ago Address
[@차차] 붓기와 멍이 아직은 많습니다
차차 2017-06-05 (월) 17:39 7 Years ago Address
굴곡라인이 좋아지셧나요 ??!!!!
러시 Writer 2017-06-05 (월) 17:51 7 Years ago Address
[@차차] 옆광대는 들어가서 정면라인 좋아졌어요~
달라질래 2017-06-07 (수) 11:03 7 Years ago Address
[@러시]  45도광대어떠세요?? 그게제일궁금합니다
팡팡이 Writer 2017-06-07 (수) 11:07 7 Years ago Address
[@달라질래] 붓기문제인지는 모르겠지만 아직은 45도 전후차이가 없어요ㅜ
달라질래 2017-06-10 (토) 10:15 7 Years ago Address
[@팡팡이] 효과있으셔야할텐데ㅜㅜ
붓기빠지시고 45도효과있으신지 알려주시면감사하겠습니다. 저 하려고해서요ㅜㅜ
팡팡이 Writer 2017-06-13 (화) 18:09 7 Years ago Address
[@달라질래] 지금16일째인데 붓기 어느정도 빠지고보니 45도 점점 들어가는게보이네용~ 효과있는것같아요
달라질래 2017-12-20 (수) 02:30 6 Years ago Address
[@] 팡팡이님 x레이만찍는걸로 알고있는데 그런건 불안하지 않으셧어요?
스윙 2017-06-13 (화) 16:49 7 Years ago Address
저도 할예정인데 많이아픈가요?
첫날 운전 무리겠죠??
팡팡이 Writer 2017-06-13 (화) 18:09 7 Years ago Address
[@스윙] 첫날 운전 힘드실거에요  안하시는게 좋아요..
통증은 거의 없습니다
스윙 2017-06-14 (수) 08:40 7 Years ago Address
웨이트트레이닝은 언제쯤 할수잇을거라고 생각하세요??
팡팡이 Writer 2017-06-14 (수) 09:52 7 Years ago Address
두달은 지나야해요~~!
동이덩이 2017-07-06 (목) 16:22 7 Years ago Address
정상생활은 언제쯤가능하다고하셨나용?(출근등..)
소프트광대 후에는 입원하는건가용??..제가 잘몰라서ㅜㅠㅠ
하이 2017-07-19 (수) 01:41 7 Years ago Address
이병원 선택하신 이유 물러봐도될까요 ㅠ 궁금해서
달라질래 2017-12-17 (일) 13:36 6 Years ago Address
[@하이] 광대 수술하셧나요 혹시
dddyy 2017-10-28 (토) 14:15 7 Years ago Address
광대수술인데 눈도 붓나요? ㅠㅠ
주햏 2017-11-10 (금) 02:32 7 Years ago Address
현재 어떠신지 여쭤봐도 될까요~~??
달라질래 2017-12-17 (일) 13:35 6 Years ago Address
러시님 지금 어떠신지 정말 궁금합니다.
000000 2018-09-09 (일) 10:21 6 Years ago Address
다음 후기 기다리겠습니다!
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