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Facial bone job

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Facial contour review

익명 2017-10-14 (토) 17:27 7 Years ago 4996
It's been 3 or 4 days since my cheekbone reduction surgery . My face is so swollen that when I look in the mirror, I wonder if my face is right. I'm depressed and I don't like to talk to people. My lower lip is fine, but my upper lip is swollen as if it's about to burst if I stab it. My eyes are swollen and bloody. The nasolabial folds are also swollen as if they had a noble operation. In 2 weeks, the swelling will go away and you will be able to lead a normal life..? I don't know about the surgery outside of my family, so will I be able to meet people in 2 weeks?

Comment 17
크림 2017-10-15 (일) 22:16 7 Years ago Address
The clown has almost no swelling.
익명 Writer 2017-10-16 (월) 00:41 7 Years ago Address
[@Cream] Then what is the swelling on my face?
아용아용 2017-10-16 (월) 15:04 7 Years ago Address
Absolutely... it's really noticeable in 2 weeks
kang7 2017-10-19 (목) 12:39 7 Years ago Address
[@AyongAyongAh] Is this the person who had the surgery?? TT According to the daily life site, it takes about a week TT How long does it take for the big swelling to go away? Also,,,, TT If you have had surgery, can you get some hospital information?
최유 2017-10-17 (화) 22:25 7 Years ago Address
I have an interview 7 days after my surgery, what should I do?
happy빈 2017-10-18 (수) 07:46 7 Years ago Address
Is there a lot of tea in 2 weeks ㅠ I wonder if my acquaintances will not notice~
hoi**** 2017-10-18 (수) 15:56 7 Years ago Address
They say it will fall out at a great rate after 5 days, but it's probably in full swing right now. Don't worry!
동동 2017-10-19 (목) 14:34 7 Years ago Address
ㅠㅜ3~4일째면 붓기많을때죠 ㅠㅜ
저도 이놈의 붓기빠지긴하나..생각했는데
시간지나니까 다 빠지더라구요 ㅎㅎ
축디 2017-10-19 (목) 20:23 7 Years ago Address
전 T절골이였는데 입술 피날정도로 부은게 10일은 갔던거같아요 립밤 꼭 챙겨발라주시고 2주면 일상생활 가능해요! 근데 붓기 남아있어서 티는 날거에요
윤곽sg 2017-10-20 (금) 23:33 7 Years ago Address
사람들이 다 안아프다하는데
어때요진짜 ㅠㅠ?
rhrk**** 2017-10-23 (월) 14:23 7 Years ago Address
It would be nice if we could come closer.
딸랑 2017-10-24 (화) 13:47 7 Years ago Address
2주후면 멍 슬슬 내려가서 노란멍 있고 입술붓기는 내려가 있을때예요~~ 붓기는 오래가요 ㅠ
겨울비 2017-10-26 (목) 04:55 7 Years ago Address
저 2주하구 이틀 됐어요. 아직 턱부터 광대까지 노랗게 멍은 있는데 화장하면 좀 가려지네요. 저는 옛날에 쌍수했을때도 느낀거지만 잘 안붓거든요. 그래서 지금 약간 사랑니를 빼고 붓기가 가라앉고 있구나~~~??? 정도의 느낌이라서 잘 돌아다니고 있어요ㅋㅋㅋ  친구들 어차피 성형한거 다 알아서... 붓기 경과도 체질 따라서 달라지는 거 같아요.
toothpaste 2017-10-31 (화) 23:14 7 Years ago Address
붓기빠지기전엔잘된건가 의심만 드는데 빠지고나면 괜찮아요..ㅎ
긴팔원슈이 2017-11-08 (수) 01:30 7 Years ago Address
산책 자주 해주셔요!! 산책하면 붓기 빨리 빠진다더군용!
참이슬22 2017-11-09 (목) 13:24 7 Years ago Address
저 광대할려구하는데 많이붔나요??멍이랑ㅜㅜㅜ입 안벌어지세요..?
ccccch 2017-11-13 (월) 00:02 7 Years ago Address
붓기정도가 사람들못볼정도로 많이심한가요..ㅠ겁나네요
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