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Facial bone job

[Square Jaw]

It feels like it's been 10 years since I had a square jaw

킴킴므 2024-03-21 (목) 08:53 3 Months ago 3935
아이디병원 ID Hospital

When I was a college student, I took a leave of absence from school and saved up money to get square jaw surgery. At that time, Let Me In was very popular and there was a boom(?) in double jaw surgery. I think I also had square jaw surgery and square jaw muscle reduction surgery. My side cheekbones are big, but just getting rid of my square jaw would be enough. I didn't touch my cheekbones because I thought that was the case, and I don't have front cheekbones, but my side cheekbones are wide and I don't have facial fat, so as I get older, I feel like my midsection is sagging, but I don't regret not having cheekbone surgery! The photo is from a long time ago, so I'm only referring to the jaw line. During the coronavirus pandemic, all the selfies I took were masks. Actually, it's not completely symmetrical . One side is finished with a slight angle (the side cheekbones are also larger on this side), and the other side is a V-line with a slight dog-chin feel. But the human face is naturally asymmetrical... I heard an explanation that asymmetry can occur, which is inevitable if you try to avoid the nerves. There were also reviews of side effects of suffering from nerve damage, but I am so grateful just for the fact that my facial lines have softened and I am living well without any side effects. It really was almost like a man's chin. You know the feeling of Lee Byung-hun's chin. I borrowed the help of the God of the strong chin bone that was passed down to me by my dad and replaced it... haha.
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Comment 15
여덕위린 2024-03-21 (목) 14:24 3 Months ago Address
ㅇㆍㄴ 2024-03-21 (목) 19:07 3 Months ago Address
But my skin is glowing. I look like a successful person. I look classy. I'm curious. Is square jaw surgery also fixed with pins?
킴킴므 Writer 2024-03-21 (목) 22:15 3 Months ago Address
Oh no, I understand you didn’t use a separate pin! They just cut off the jaw bone~~ The skin will be like a filter! Haha.
danney1590 2024-03-23 (토) 16:03 3 Months ago Address
킴킴므 Writer 2024-03-26 (화) 18:57 3 Months ago Address
If you don’t tell anyone, no one will know! I just thought you lost weight
Ellla 2024-03-23 (토) 20:23 3 Months ago Address
so pretty
킴킴므 Writer 2024-03-26 (화) 18:57 3 Months ago Address
thank you!!!
미미나나옹 2024-03-24 (일) 12:56 3 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
킴킴므 Writer 2024-03-24 (일) 12:58 3 Months ago Address
Oh my, these are all post-surgery photos! I fixed it~~
파란개구리 2024-03-24 (일) 18:47 3 Months ago Address
Wow, that’s really good, I’m jealous of Yesa! I also have Lee Byung-hun’s chin.. I’m very intrigued.
킴킴므 Writer 2024-03-24 (일) 19:44 3 Months ago Address
Even if just the jaw line becomes softer, femininity comes to life and the person’s facial expression becomes softer!!
광대만제발 2024-03-26 (화) 17:21 3 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
킴킴므 Writer 2024-03-26 (화) 18:56 3 Months ago Address
Well, I had the surgery in my early to mid 20s and I am now in my early to mid 30s. Is it just sagging due to aging...? I don't think there's anything out there!
쿵기덕 2024-03-27 (수) 19:35 3 Months ago Address
I miss you so much but I can’t see youㅠㅠ
묘나묘나 2024-05-07 (화) 15:29 1 Months ago Address
우와..10년되셨는데 볼처짐 등은 안오셨나요?ㅜㅜ 윤곽 넘 하고싶은데 부작용때메 걱정되는지라ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ