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[Face Contour Resurgery]

2-month review of 3 types of contour after orthognathic surgery

어닉 2023-09-11 (월) 13:42 9 Months ago 1908
줌구강악안면외과치과의원 (압구정점)
1000 만원
60 days
At the end of 2020, I received double jaw surgery + chin advancement at another hospital and was living with satisfaction, but I was so concerned about the asymmetry + cheekbone protrusion + chin tip advancement when taking pictures or looking in the mirror, so I decided to get contouring . I sold all my products and went to about 9 consultations. Among them, I decided that the place where I had surgery now was the best based on safety, price, the director's experience and beliefs, and my perception of the feeling I wanted. Now that everything has been resolved, I am completely satisfied. I can't confirm for sure because I'm still waiting for the swelling to go down, but I don't know . If I did, I would have regretted it forever!

Comment 5
ekdrms0234 2023-09-11 (월) 14:58 9 Months ago Address
Is the pain okay? It's brave to say it twice...
김김킴 2023-09-11 (월) 20:20 9 Months ago Address
How did you know about this place? I'm also making a list. I've heard of this for the first time, and looking at the homepage, it seems like it's good.
으니으미 2023-10-09 (월) 04:19 8 Months ago Address
I had a hard time managing the swelling well and not being too stressed out.
나에다 2023-10-29 (일) 14:22 7 Months ago Address
혹시 어디알아봤는지 알려줄수있어?
마예수 2023-12-04 (월) 12:17 6 Months ago Address
혹시 어디 병원인지 알 수 있을까??
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