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[Square Jaw]

3 months after getting double jaw surgery! The contour lines are really defined! Double jaw surgery review!

0116 2024-06-01 (토) 11:30 3 Months ago 2602
1560 만원
90 days

The first two and a half to three months after the double jaw surgery were a time of patience and suffering because of eating, but time heals everything. Now, I can eat most foods except for very tough meats or hard crustaceans, and I think I eat more than before the double jaw surgery. Now, my molars are aligned well and my orthodontic treatment seems to be progressing quickly, so I am satisfied. It is amazing how my misaligned occlusion is aligned so quickly. After about three months, the pain and sensory abnormalities have almost disappeared and I am recovering little by little! In my case, I had a protruding mouth, a long face, and a temporomandibular joint disorder due to a dislocation of the jaw joint during my growth period , which made my face asymmetrical, and my occlusion did not match, and when I took pictures or smiled, my teeth looked crooked. I thought I needed to improve it through double jaw surgery, so I looked into double jaw surgery. I think I ultimately decided on double jaw surgery because I heard that the IVRO surgery is good for the jaw joint and that it improves my face. I did a lot of research and tried many places, but Iyu Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery was the best fit for me . I trusted them more because they even told me during the consultation about the parts I hadn't noticed (such as the asymmetry of the jaws and the length of the philtrum). And I got the surgery because I felt they had the style and authenticity I wanted, as well as the many reviews!
이유구강악안면외과's Community Reviews (Total 109)
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3 months after getting double jaw surgery! The contour lines are really defined! Double jaw surgery review!'s Reviews More (10/109)

Comment 13
김김킴 2024-06-01 (토) 14:33 3 Months ago Address
Oh, that's great. Congratulations. The philtrum length hasn't gotten any longer or anything, has it? The proportions all look good now.
0116 Writer 2024-06-02 (일) 10:47 3 Months ago Address
* This is a secret post.
김김킴 2024-06-02 (일) 18:48 3 Months ago Address
* This is a secret post.
0116 Writer 2024-06-02 (일) 23:56 3 Months ago Address
* This is a secret post.
김김킴 2024-06-03 (월) 19:30 3 Months ago Address
* This is a secret post.
민둘민둥 2024-06-03 (월) 16:57 3 Months ago Address
Your face seems to have gotten smaller too. You did so well. I'm jealous.
구구더저마 2024-06-03 (월) 20:55 3 Months ago Address
Wow, I can see that your face has really gotten smaller.
bebear 2024-06-04 (화) 16:30 3 Months ago Address
Congratulations on your successful surgery!
이발라 2024-06-04 (화) 17:24 3 Months ago Address
You worked hard to get the surgery!! I'm sure you're happy that it worked. Congratulations.
칙힌느겟 2024-06-04 (화) 18:10 3 Months ago Address
Wow.. that went really well, congratulations..!!!
서울역 2024-06-05 (수) 13:19 3 Months ago Address
The effect is very good. The surgery went well.
3년고민중 2024-06-06 (목) 18:45 3 Months ago Address
Congratulations on your successful surgery'ㅜ
오하이오주 2024-06-18 (화) 02:03 3 Months ago Address
Good good
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