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[Square Jaw]

I had no idea that the effects of double jaw contouring surgery were so great! 2nd month review

Supervisor 2024-04-26 (금) 20:02 2 Months ago 2196
1500 만원
60 days

After puberty, I suddenly grew taller and developed facial asymmetry. I originally had a slightly protruding mouth, but my teeth were aligned and my occlusion was good, so I didn't think about correction, but my jaw suddenly grew asymmetrically, which led to malocclusion. I heard that my reflection in the mirror and selfies looked completely different from what others saw from the front. Realizing that it was serious, I went to an orthodontist, but I was told by both places that orthodontics could not solve the problem! So she decided to have double jaw surgery. There was a long time until the appointment date, so while I was doing a quick search comparing the pros and cons of university hospitals, I searched for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and found out about Iyu Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. I first trusted the doctors I met on YouTube, and the facilities and resident anesthesiologists were there. , the presence of the director of the orthodontic department gave me trust~ And as I read many orthognathic surgery reviews, my confidence grew stronger and I made an appointment for a consultation. As a result of the consultation, I was told that the treatment period and surgery period could be as I wanted, and I made my decision right away thanks to the kind and detailed explanation!! It was a difficult process for a week after double jaw and contour surgery, but I am so glad that my facial asymmetry and protruding mouth have improved! It's currently my 2nd month, and maybe it's because I enjoy eating food haha, so fast that I don't even know how time has passed! When I went to get my progress checked, I met Director Shin Hee-jin and she said I could chew easily except for hard and chewy foods, so I am eating most foods. I didn't know that eating brought so much happiness haha ​​Also, I'm doing well in my daily life!~
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이유구강악안면외과's Community Reviews (Total 83)
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I had no idea that the effects of double jaw contouring surgery were so great! 2nd month review's Reviews More (10/83)

Comment 4
와사비123 2024-04-26 (금) 21:54 2 Months ago Address
오 드라마틱하다 양악 힘들다던데 고생했어 잘생겨졌다~
Supervisor Writer 2024-04-26 (금) 22:12 2 Months ago Address
고마워! 고생했는데 보람이 있네 ^^
빈티지 2024-04-30 (화) 08:01 1 Months ago Address
대칭도 맞춰지고 잘 되셨네요 저도 후기 보면 얼른 하고싶음 ㅠㅠ
Supervisor Writer 2024-04-30 (화) 08:24 1 Months ago Address
하기 전에 가족도, 저도 걱정 많았는데 정말 하길 잘했다는 생각 뿐이네요. 제겐 선택이 아니라 필수인 상황이었지만요..^^ 좋은 결정하시고, 좋은 결과 얻으시길요!
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