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Review of cheekbone surgery

yytyyyei0 2023-03-30 (목) 17:16 1 Years ago 2316
400 만원
120 days

I went for protruding mouth surgery and was told that it would be a good idea to have cheekbone surgery as well, so I ended up getting cheekbone surgery as well. I originally had Indian wrinkles, so I'm not sure about the sagging, but the effect has really improved and the cheekbones are gone. It's not like this, but it 's organized? I feel like this. If you watch a lot of meridians on YouTube, you can think of it as the same as the before and after pictures showing that it has been trimmed and smoothed. Still, I don't regret it, because it was a hassle to go to get the meridians, and the surgery was good because it could be resolved in one go. But what about the director? Was it delamination? Anyway, they said the surgery was done without any damage, so it really seemed like a pure scammer. If they had that kind of technology, everyone would have gone here... I think they need to filter out people who are too confident . Still, the hospital had CCTV, so it was trustworthy. They don't seem to do surrogate surgeries.

Comment 16
1004ho 2023-03-30 (목) 19:00 1 Years ago Address
나중에 사진도 같이 올려주세요..^^ 수술 잘 되신듯..
yytyyyei0 Writer 2023-03-30 (목) 21:12 1 Years ago Address
올렸습니다! 각도차이가 있긴 한데 얼굴선이 좀 부드러워졌어요
김라ㅓ너나 2023-03-30 (목) 20:35 1 Years ago Address
헉 박리라니 무슨수술법이지 ㅠ
나도 원장이 안쳐지게 할수있다고해서했는데 광대볼륨이 줄어든이상 처진게보이더라ㅠ 그거 감안하고 했지만
솔직히 투자대비 효과는 미미한갓같아
yytyyyei0 Writer 2023-03-30 (목) 21:15 1 Years ago Address
아 박리를 안 해서 안 쳐지는 거라고 하셨어! 믿지는 않지만 ㅎㅎㅋㅋㅠㅠㅠ 맞어 생각대로 얼굴이 완전 매끈해지는 건 아니더라고ㅠㅠ...
오여샤 2023-03-30 (목) 21:01 1 Years ago Address
전 후 궁금해!!
yytyyyei0 Writer 2023-03-30 (목) 21:11 1 Years ago Address
앗 지금 올렸어!
마담드봉 2023-03-30 (목) 21:53 1 Years ago Address
라인만 봐도 이삐다 궁금해 나도 광대만 하고 싶다 남편몰래 하면 들키겠지? ㅎ
yytyyyei0 Writer 2023-04-01 (토) 12:54 1 Years ago Address
웅 ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 붓기 엄청 오래갔어 ㅠㅠ 안 해도 예쁠 거야~
촙오요 2023-03-31 (금) 06:56 1 Years ago Address
라리라리랄라리 2023-03-31 (금) 09:12 1 Years ago Address
자연스럽고 예쁘게 잘 된 것 같아!!! 부럽다 ㅠㅠㅠ
구글이 2023-04-01 (토) 12:52 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
스푸닝 2023-04-07 (금) 11:00 1 Years ago Address
씨씨티비 예사가 수술할때 보호자가 볼수있어??
yytyyyei0 Writer 2023-04-15 (토) 17:18 1 Years ago Address
아닝? 실시간은 아니고 씨씨티비 보여줄 수는 있다고 하셨어!
에스파화띵 2023-04-15 (토) 17:17 1 Years ago Address
일주일만에 출근 가능하다는거…안쳐진다는거…다 거짓말이겠지? ㅠㅠ
yytyyyei0 Writer 2023-04-15 (토) 17:20 1 Years ago Address
일주일 후 출근은 무리ㅠㅠ 붓기는 얼추 그냥 뚱뚱한 사람 되는데 (멍은 많이 줄음) 고개 조금만 숙여도 피 몰리는 느낌 들어서 ㅠㅠ 어떤 업무냐에 따라 달라질 듯!

쳐지는 건 무조건이지 않을까??ㅠㅠ 언제 유튜브에서 갈비뼈 비유 듣고 포기함 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
38732 2023-05-14 (일) 20:05 1 Years ago Address
라인 완전 부드럽다!
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