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Facial bone job

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[3 type of Contour]

This is a 52-year-old woman who had surgery in 2007.

frepea 2024-07-15 (월) 21:58 2 Months ago 2094
1100 만원
I had cheekbone and square jaw surgery around September 2007, during the Chuseok holiday and two weeks off, so it's already been about 17 years since I had the surgery. I'm already 52 years old, so time goes by really fast. At that time, I was so desperate that I had this surgery. Even if I had to die, I made a choice, so I thought it was a choice. It was a very long time ago, so I forgot the details, but Teacher Seol*Yun only gave realistic and straightforward explanations without any rhetoric or exaggeration. I still remember clearly the food I could swallow without chewing and rinsing with the sweet mint flavor of Hexamedine. As for the effect, the left side line looks unnatural, but even if I could go back in time, I would have had this surgery. After cutting off my wide chin, I still have it. Although it is a major problem, the size of the lower facial area has clearly decreased compared to before. The cheekbone effect is due to the fact that the previous face was thinner, but the impression has become softer as if the cheekbones have also sunken in. Perhaps because I returned to work immediately two weeks after the surgery and was unable to take care of it, I felt sagging on the right side and my condition was bad. On a bad day, I feel embarrassed when answering an important phone call, like my pronunciation is leaking because I'm nervous. I don't feel it during everyday conversations. I'm sure I can't reduce the size of my head, but my square jaw has become a V-line and it looks like my cheekbones have also appeared. At that time, I had a V-line. It was not a 3-piece set like these days. Now, because of my daughter's eye plastic surgery, I am visiting here and writing a review of the past for the purpose of upgrading. I hope that you will have the face shape you want.
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Comment 18
송예정 2024-07-15 (월) 23:08 2 Months ago Address
Wow, thank you for the 17-year review! I hope your daughter's eye surgery goes well.
애프터데이 2024-07-15 (월) 23:20 2 Months ago Address
and!! You were amazing at that time. I'm sure your daughter's eye surgery will go well. You're a great mother.
frepea Writer 2024-07-16 (화) 10:47 2 Months ago Address
I think a lot of people did it back then too.
Alex24 2024-07-16 (화) 03:00 2 Months ago Address
Thank you for your valuable review! I hope your daughter's eye surgery goes well :) I've been thinking about contouring my cheekbones lately, so could you tell me more about sagging? I'm planning to have surgery because of my complex, but I'm still worried about sagging.
사랑잎 2024-07-18 (목) 01:00 2 Months ago Address
처짐 100퍼 옵니다 지금 거상술 생각하고 있어요
Agbaann 2024-07-27 (토) 00:25 2 Months ago Address
그동안 처짐 관리는 어떻게 하셨나요? 처짐 있어도 하길 잘했다고 생각하시나요?
사랑잎 2024-07-30 (화) 15:32 2 Months ago Address
후회중입니다 전 사각턱ㆍ턱끝 외형상  심각한편도 아니였구 주위에서 말리는데  욕심부리다가 ..ㅜ
얘기안하면 수술한지도 몰라요
사각턱에 턱끝축소술까지해서
뼈처낸만큼  볼살과근육 밑으로 처져서
한달전 처진 턱끝은 400 주고
근육재배치  끌어올리는 수술을 한상태구요
인모드ㆍ윤각주사ㆍ별거다해봐도  효과도 없구
 민트실해도 볼무게때문에 두달도 안돼서 또 처집니다 ㆍ지방흡입 +강력한실 아니면 거상을 생각하고 있습니다
frepea Writer 2024-09-26 (목) 08:04 15 Days ago Address
처짐관리 따로 안했습니다 저는 다시돌아간다해도 모든것을 종합적으로 생각했을때 같은선택을 했을것 같지만 요즘기술발전과 좋으신 선생님 많으시니 잘알아보시고하세요
frepea Writer 2024-07-16 (화) 10:52 2 Months ago Address
I feel like both cheeks are heavy. The right side feels even heavier. It's even worse on days when I can't sleep. It's become a habit now. I think I told my teacher to cut off as much as possible. But compared to other times, I think I've improved more now and I don't have any breaks. It may be because I was unable to return to work right away and take care of it, but it was a surgery where I gained more than I lost.
nhj50452 2024-09-25 (수) 09:37 16 Days ago Address
이병원네서 윤곽받고싶은데, 혹시 두피절개 하셨을까요!?
frepea Writer 2024-09-26 (목) 08:10 15 Days ago Address
두피절개입니다 새로운성형기술발전을 응원하는 일인으로써 ㅎ 많이 알아보시기 바래요
루쿠스 2024-07-17 (수) 00:02 2 Months ago Address
안녕하세요~ 17년 후기 넘 귀하네요 감사해요ㅠㅠ 저는 사각턱 윤곽 생각중인데 쳐짐때문에 너무 고민중입니다…혹시 턱쪽 처짐운 좀 어떠신가요?
frepea Writer 2024-07-17 (수) 16:21 2 Months ago Address
턱끝은 안해서 볼무게만 느끼고 있습니다 외관상은 없다고 생각하고 싶습니다 모르는사람은 모른다고 믿고싶습니다 ㅋ 피곤한날은 볼이 무겁다 생각됩니다 제 나이도 있으니까요 그러나  거상은 꼭 하고싶습니다 ~ ㅠ
치코리키 2024-07-17 (수) 16:13 2 Months ago Address
후기 너무 감사해요!!!
Agbaann 2024-07-27 (토) 00:24 2 Months ago Address
우와 귀한 17년차 글이네요~
리애킴 2024-08-11 (일) 21:24 1 Months ago Address
저도 여기서 수술했는데 안전생각하면 정말 이분만한 닥터는 없는 것 같아요 본인 스킬 자부심도 높으시고 심지어 본인수술한 사람은 얼굴경락도 가능하다 이렇게 말씀하셨던 기억이 납니다.

장점. 의사의 스킬, 자부심, 안전성
단점. 머리띠 모양의 두피 흉터

이건 우연히 다른 성형외과에서 들은건데.. 오래된 방법이라고 하더라고 요즘 하는 스타일의 수술 방식은 아니라고
그래도 그만큼 안전성은 확보된 기술이라 생각했습니다.
의심신고 누적으로 ID가 자동 정지된 회원입니다.
frepea Writer 2024-09-26 (목) 08:16 15 Days ago Address
신경손상등의 의료적인 부작용은 전혀 못느끼고 있습니다 볼무거움은 어쩔수없는것이라 생각하고있으며 미적효용이나  얼굴라인은 각자의 선택이니 원하는얼굴형이 되시기 바래요~왼쪽턱은 지금말로 치면 개턱느낌 나서 귀뒤로 머리를 꽂지 못하고있습니다
ililo 2024-08-24 (토) 19:21 1 Months ago Address
후기 잘 보고 가요
원장님은 지금 어디 계시나요?
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