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Facial bone job

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[Square Jaw]

2 types of contours, 1st year review

후란계라이 2023-11-30 (목) 15:03 6 Months ago 1635
825 만원
400 days

Now, the minor swelling seems to have completely disappeared, and I don't think I can feel any pressure at all when I put my head down for 6 to 9 months. If you don't tell them you had surgery, no one will recognize you, and everyone just asks that you've gotten prettier, that you've lost weight, or that you've had a meridian, which is nice haha. I didn't want a doll line in the first place, it's my face, but I wanted a better face with more defined lines, so I'm very satisfied. . Honestly, contouring surgery is not something that can be done as easily as double eyelid surgery, so I worked hard to get it done. Sometimes, I look at my phone so much that I search like crazy to the point where I feel dizzy and feel sick. The stress and complex about my asymmetry and face shape was so severe. As a result, my self-esteem naturally dropped a lot, and I used to get depressed just by looking in the mirror, but I felt so free and happy that I no longer had to worry about the complex that had been weighing me down. I don't have a perfect and flawless face like a celebrity, but I really like the way I look now that the original facial lines and atmosphere are still intact and the angular parts are gone. ㅠㅠ

Comment 5
아앙앙앙 2023-11-30 (목) 15:08 6 Months ago Address
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두두두루 2023-12-04 (월) 11:25 6 Months ago Address
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놀러와잉 2023-12-04 (월) 17:04 6 Months ago Address
예뻐지는어피치 2023-12-05 (화) 19:51 6 Months ago Address
진짜이쁘넹 자연스럽고~!
탱구리이 2023-12-23 (토) 11:30 6 Months ago Address
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