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[3 type of Contour]

Review of going to work immediately 3 days after type 3 contour surgery

뵤뵹뿅 2023-12-11 (월) 17:03 6 Months ago 2042
12/7 3 types of contour surgery performed It was a three-day holiday on the 7th, 8th, and 9th, so I received it on the first day of the holiday and went to work right away on December 10th. 12/7 Immediately after surgery = I can't speak, my throat hurts, I feel like I'm going crazy from sleepiness, they don't let me sleep and keep waking me up ㅜㅜ But I'm not sure about the pain. It seemed like it hurt, but the pain in my neck was so severe that I couldn't tell my face. It’s so inconvenient not to be able to speak.. 12/7 1st day of surgery = Still unable to speak, talked to the nurse on a notepad... I just feel like a puppy that got stung by a bee... I just sit or lie down without thinking ㅜㅜ Neck pain still persists and discharged.. Maybe because it was the day after surgery, I had no energy and couldn't go for a walk, so I just slept at home all day. I tried castella and porridge for meals, but I couldn't eat both, so I gave up. 12/8 2nd day of surgery = Neck pain is slightly better, I can talk but it's slurred, my face is so swollen it looks like it's going to explode at any moment... I'm still feeling really tired, so I'll stay home and apply ice until the second day ㅜ ㅜ But it seems like the swelling gets worse when I wear the compression band, so I have to keep wearing it, right? 12/9 3rd day of surgery = By the 3rd day, my condition has improved and I can speak well, but I am still slurred due to swollen lips and numbness. But the runny nose and cough come out a lot... I just blow my nose and cough. I can't help it because it's just runny nose and phlegm that I have no choice but to blow off and cough out. I gently relieve it... Even though I cough, my face doesn't seem to be irritated so I do it gently. I had a good walk and my appetite came back so I ate castella + milk and porridge haha. 12/10 11 Going to work on the 4th and 5th days after surgery = My condition is good enough to go for a walk before going to work. The swelling in my face has gotten a little better than the first day, but it's still so swollen that I need a mask. My speech is still slurred, but my coworker said it seems to be getting better. I just keep feeling it on a regular basis. I feel like I've become a picture of a dog getting stung by a bee... When will the swelling go down ㅜㅜ The swollen feeling is a bit unpleasant ㅜ But it's still swollen, so it's natural that it doesn't feel dramatic, right? What is this anxious feeling that nothing seems to change.. ㅜ If you have any questions, please ask and I will tell you from my experience.. heh. heh

Comment 18
sohii 2023-12-11 (월) 17:58 6 Months ago Address
나 지금 2일찬데 너무 힘들어ㅜㅠㅠㅠ 수고많았어 예사ㅜㅜ 나도 너무많이부어서 힘들어죽겠다.. 혹시 잠은 잘 잤어? 나는 자꾸 30분~2시간 간격으로 깨서 ㅠㅠㅠ
뵤뵹뿅 Writer 2023-12-11 (월) 17:59 6 Months ago Address
나도 그래..잠을 잘 못자겠어 ㅠㅠ
좀 잠들라 하면 기침나오고
기침 멎으면 불편해서 잠 안오고 ㅜ 내가 잔건지 만건지 잘 모르겠어 ㅜ
sohii 2023-12-11 (월) 18:02 6 Months ago Address
나는 푹 잤다고 생각들어서 깨면 2시간 지나있고 1시간 지나있고 그래서 너무 스트레스야ㅠㅠ 하루종일 누워있으니까 할 것도 없구... 출근 너무 고생했다 나는 진짜 밖을 못 나가겠어서 산책도 못가구있어 ㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅜ
뵤뵹뿅 Writer 2023-12-11 (월) 18:06 6 Months ago Address
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ근데 나도 출근만 아니였으면 집에만 있었을 것 같아ㅜㅜ 예사 밥은 어케먹어ㅜ???뭐먹어..?
sohii 2023-12-11 (월) 18:25 6 Months ago Address
나 진짜 지금 물밖에 못마시구잇어.. 물이랑 미숫가루 ㅠㅠㅜㅜ 아까 아이스크림 먹다가 진짜 입이 안 벌어져서 포기햇오ㅜㅜㅜ 슬푸다 배고픈데.. 예사는 뭐먹오?!?
닭발땡겨 2023-12-11 (월) 17:59 6 Months ago Address
아니 바로 출근 넘 힘들었겟는데? 붓기는 혈액순환 잘되게 해주는게 관건같아 ㅜㅜ 화이팅이야 !!ㅜㅜ
뵤뵹뿅 Writer 2023-12-11 (월) 18:06 6 Months ago Address
난나난나 2023-12-11 (월) 21:31 6 Months ago Address
으아  1월에 수술할건데 전신마취 너무 무섭다ㅠㅠㅠ
목 안아팠어!!?ㅠㅠㅠ
뵤뵹뿅 Writer 2023-12-17 (일) 09:06 6 Months ago Address
2일까진 엄청 아팠는데 그 뒤로는 괜찮았엉 ㅜ
뀨루루룩 2023-12-12 (화) 09:37 6 Months ago Address
정말 앉아서 자야될가 ㅠㅠ??
뵤뵹뿅 Writer 2023-12-17 (일) 09:07 6 Months ago Address
나 그거 못하겠어서 그냥 베개 3개 겹쳐놓고 자
근데 그거마저 불편해서 요즘 잠을 못잔다..
jjwjdin 2023-12-16 (토) 20:31 6 Months ago Address
난 수술하고 9일차에 출근할 예정인데 붓기가 많이 심할까,,,,,!?
뵤뵹뿅 Writer 2023-12-17 (일) 09:09 6 Months ago Address
나 지금 딱 9일차인데
6-7일부터 큰붓기는 빠지긴 한듯?
근데 입안 실밥때문에 아직 입 안이 부어있어서
뭔가 이거땜시 사탕붓기라 하는거같앵
피쟈 2023-12-17 (일) 08:00 6 Months ago Address
나도 수술하면 수술날 포함 4일정도 밖에 못쉬는데 마스크로 가리면 붓기 괜찮을까 .,?
뵤뵹뿅 Writer 2023-12-17 (일) 09:10 6 Months ago Address
나 마스크쓰고 갔을때
직장 사수가 너무 멀쩡해 보여서 수술 안한 줄 알았대 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 마스크로 가리면 ㄱㅊ아...
favehue 2024-02-21 (수) 02:34 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
뵤뵹뿅 Writer 2024-02-21 (수) 14:01 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
꼼딱마무듶꾸더 2024-04-24 (수) 06:42 2 Months ago Address
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