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Facial bone job

[Face liposuction]

1 month review of facial liposuction cheek + double chin

찌니1029 2023-07-21 (금) 10:42 11 Months ago 3341
344 만원
45 days






This is a review of cheek and double chin liposuction at 365mc in Daejeon! I decided to get liposuction because I was stressed about gaining weight and having a round face, but it didn't work out at all?! There was no change in weight, but I was told that I had lost weight, which was good haha. They said I could go to work the day after the surgery, so I had the procedure done on a weekday. I wondered if I would really be able to go to work, but I was completely surprised when the pulleys were removed the next day. My chin was gone, and there wasn't a single bruise or stain. . I didn't have any bruises when I got the contouring injection with Inmode, so I wasn't too worried about bruising, but since the surgery area was covered with Medifoam, it wasn't even visible! I had holes(?) drilled in three places, two on either side under my ears and under my chin, and it wasn't really noticeable! There was no swelling the day after surgery, and about a week to 10 days after that. There was some swelling! However, even though there was swelling, it was similar to before the surgery or less than that, so no one at the company knew. I heard that some people still claim to lose weight naturally, but I haven't yet. The swelling seems to have gone down and the lines have cleared up since the second week, and now I'm completely satisfied! I heard that it will never go back to the way it was before because it was liposuction, so it was good. I didn't have to cover the calyx when taking pictures, I didn't have to cover it with my head, and I didn't get a double chin even if I lowered my chin, which was great haha.

Comment 18
겨울날의꿀 2023-07-21 (금) 12:40 11 Months ago Address
Eolji suction is effective. I’m jealous.
찌니1029 Writer 2023-07-22 (토) 14:03 11 Months ago Address
그치 ㅠㅠ 진짜 만족하는 중 ㅠㅠ
봄날의새봄 2023-07-21 (금) 13:21 11 Months ago Address
이중턱 사라졌다는게 진짜 부럽다
찌니1029 Writer 2023-07-22 (토) 14:04 11 Months ago Address
맞아 ! 턱 밑에 문득 만지면 아무것도 없어서 괜히 뿌듯
씨성 2023-07-21 (금) 13:46 11 Months ago Address
전 사진 턱 내려서 찍은거야?
찌니1029 Writer 2023-07-22 (토) 14:06 11 Months ago Address
카메라를 아래쪽으로 조금 내려서 찍었어
리나공주 2023-07-21 (금) 13:47 11 Months ago Address
라인 부럽당 ㅠㅠ
찌니1029 Writer 2023-07-22 (토) 14:04 11 Months ago Address
라인 진짜 ㅠㅠ 앞으로 시간 지나면 더 라인 예뻐진다고 해서 기대중
모모에여 2023-07-21 (금) 14:06 11 Months ago Address
이중턱...진짜 빼기 힘들더라
찌니1029 Writer 2023-07-22 (토) 14:07 11 Months ago Address
맞아 다이어트해도 이중턱은 잘 안빠지더라구 ㅠ
민씨의늪 2023-07-27 (목) 22:24 11 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
찌니1029 Writer 2023-08-03 (목) 11:18 11 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
앙성형띠 2023-08-02 (수) 15:31 11 Months ago Address
수술 진짜 잘되셨네요!! 축하드려요!!
찌니1029 Writer 2023-08-03 (목) 11:18 11 Months ago Address
디디유 2023-08-03 (목) 08:27 11 Months ago Address
혹시 수술 후에 땡기미 했어??
찌니1029 Writer 2023-08-03 (목) 11:17 11 Months ago Address
응! 땡기미 일주일 넘게 집에 있을 때만 했어!!
콩빵이 2023-09-14 (목) 14:30 9 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
냥냥뇽농 2023-11-30 (목) 23:32 7 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.