I decided to get a mini lift and went to several hospitals for consultations, but Dr. Sssg Han was able to pinpoint the areas I was concerned about and recommended only what to do without needing to do anything excessive. I had faith there and decided to go with three or four.
Smart Volume Lift is a procedure that fills in wrinkles by scraping away unnecessary fat from the chin or chin area while lifting with minimal incision.
I have severe bags and wrinkles under my eyes, so I filled in the area under my eyes and under my chin to create a V-line jaw line.
Currently, the minor swelling has gone down, but the major swelling in the elevation area still remains, making my face look wider. They say that the major swelling will begin to go down after a month. I don’t think it will be noticeable if you cover it with your hair.
After a month, when the major swelling goes down, I will post another review :)