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Facial bone job

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Review of 1 type of cheekbone from Soda Plastic Surgery

뿌큐뿌 2024-01-16 (화) 15:55 5 Months ago 2881
2 만원

I decided to get cheekbone surgery because my cheekbones were particularly prominent on my face and I was very stressed out when I took pictures of them. I chose the hospital after reading reviews, and it's been 4 months since I had surgery from Dr. Jaehyun Kwon of Soda Plastic Surgery. Dr. Jaehyun Kwon and the nurses were all kind, and the hospital provided swelling management care after the surgery, so I think the major swelling went down quickly :) It's been 4 months since the surgery, and I can see that my 45-degree cheekbones have definitely been cleaned up! Originally, my cheekbones were prominent on my face, so my impression looked strong, but after the surgery, I heard a lot from people around me that my impression got softer. They say the swelling will go down for up to a year, so I'm waiting for the swelling to go down quickly and the side cheekbone line to improve further.
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Comment 10
킥라니 2024-01-17 (수) 10:16 5 Months ago Address
The surgery went well~
소금빵냠 2024-01-17 (수) 10:22 5 Months ago Address
기상청금새 2024-01-17 (수) 13:25 5 Months ago Address
잘됐네 후기 고마워
nuunuu 2024-01-19 (금) 01:33 5 Months ago Address
수술잘된것같아! 이쁘다
아이스젤리 2024-01-21 (일) 22:17 5 Months ago Address
잘된거같아요 조화로워-!
카림 2024-01-22 (월) 01:36 5 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
솔찍냥 2024-01-24 (수) 03:12 5 Months ago Address
와 너무너무 잘됐당 라인예쁘네
브레드 2024-01-25 (목) 23:32 5 Months ago Address
너무 예쁘게 잘됐다 후기 고마워!!
이오넬 2024-02-04 (일) 17:05 4 Months ago Address
되게 잘됏다
굿b 2024-02-09 (금) 01:48 4 Months ago Address
자연스럽게 잘됐다!!
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