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Chin advance surgery

연두12345 2022-11-14 (월) 00:02 1 Years ago 2227
It's been 8 days since I received chin augmentation surgery. There was swelling on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd days, but I didn't feel it because it was before the tape was removed from my chin. When I took off the tape on the third day, my chin looked like Thanos. The swelling was the worst on the 4th day (I thought it was a pelican) , but it has gone down day by day since then, and now, on the 8th day, it is worth looking at a lot. The lump in my front chin has not been resolved yet... I wonder when it will be resolved... ㅠㅠ They say 80% of the swelling will go away in 1 month, so I'm going to wait and see.

Comment 19
oㅇOoㅇO 2022-11-21 (월) 09:07 1 Years ago Address
Take your time and wait! Until the day when you become prettier in a month...
연두12345 Writer 2023-07-20 (목) 16:46 11 Months ago Address
Thank you haha. It's a lot better now.
coals0125 2022-11-30 (수) 08:32 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
연두12345 Writer 2022-11-30 (수) 08:48 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
coals0125 2022-12-02 (금) 09:42 1 Years ago Address
By the way, is this hard swelling of the front jaw caused by muscles? This doesn't come up when I search for it. Did it get better after removing the stitches?
연두12345 Writer 2023-07-20 (목) 16:35 11 Months ago Address
I know that my muscles are tight. It's been about 8 months since the surgery, and it's a lot softer than when it first started. However, it feels a little stiffer than before the surgery. Still, it doesn't bother me, and right now I'm more concerned about the slight pulling(?) feeling of the incision area inside my mouth rather than the muscle tightness.
야려러허처쳐 2022-12-01 (목) 23:58 1 Years ago Address
* this is a secret.
뜽요니다 2022-12-11 (일) 13:18 1 Years ago Address
How did the front chin come together? Are you gaining muscle?
연두12345 Writer 2023-07-20 (목) 16:37 11 Months ago Address
Hmm, I guess it's a bit... It's not soft like other skin on the face, but when you touch it, it feels hard, like a muscle.
jjxoxo 2023-02-09 (목) 17:37 1 Years ago Address
I had anterior chin osteotomy advancement surgery 5 years ago, and yesterday I had surgery to restore my lengthened chin with a single cut. My chin doesn't hurt as much as I thought and my neck hurts a lot, but I'm more satisfied with the way it looks than before. However, I think you'll only know for sure when the swelling goes down, so I'll post a review after the swelling goes down.
연두12345 Writer 2023-07-20 (목) 16:41 11 Months ago Address
I hope your surgery went well~
이쁘다이뻐요 2023-07-25 (화) 10:18 11 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
무텅이 2023-02-19 (일) 01:07 1 Years ago Address
I also have no chin and am considering chin augmentation surgery. This article is very helpful. Thank you.
연두12345 Writer 2023-07-20 (목) 16:45 11 Months ago Address
아자자아자 2023-07-03 (월) 02:24 1 Years ago Address
It's hard to wait for the swelling, but it will make you even prettier!!!
연두12345 Writer 2023-07-20 (목) 16:41 11 Months ago Address
Thank you haha. It's a lot better now.
뚜루미 2023-07-20 (목) 16:21 11 Months ago Address
지금은 어떠신가요 제가 딱 8일차인데 타노스같아서요
연두12345 Writer 2023-07-20 (목) 16:45 11 Months ago Address
수술 초반 생각하면 정말 많이 좋아졌구, 앞턱 뭉침은 아주 약간 남아있긴 하지만 신경 안쓰이는 수준입니다.
지금은 입안 절개 부분의 느낌이 신경쓰이는데, 이건 예상하고 수술 한거라 감안하며 살고 있습니다.
인내하고 기다리시면 예뻐지실거에요^^ 화이팅
Minazin 2023-08-05 (토) 21:37 10 Months ago Address
혹시 몇미리 전진했나요? 저도 최근에 수술했는데 턱이 타노스 같아서요 불안합니다..
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