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Eyelid job

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It's the 9th day of complete abstinence...

포동이 2006-02-04 (토) 18:29 18 Years ago 1709

I did it as an outline... It's been 9 days since the complete incision. If you look at the picture, it looks like the swelling has gone down a lot compared to the beginning, but honestly, the swelling is even worse in person and there are still a lot of bruises. When I take the picture, my eyes are bigger than before, but the part of my eye that is actually visible seems to be less visible than before the surgery . The last picture and the pictures on both sides are from today, but I had to go out today, so I covered it with makeup... But with makeup, my eyelids are covered. It was even funnier because it was so white. The outline was perfect. I think the only thing the swelling did was go down late; And since it's vacation right now, I'm sleeping more than 10 hours a day, so I don't think the swelling is going down. I didn't even use cold compresses a few times because it was too much of a hassle, and I didn't even use hot compresses... so it's not like I'm going to miss it; I have to go to school in a few days ㅠㅠ If this continues, I won't be able to go to the graduation ceremony ㅠㅠ And now I'm worried that one eye will become in-outline ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ The lower part of the eye is folded compared to the original line ㅠㅠ There is a phenomenon where the double eyelid is folded at the seam site ㅠㅠ Cut marks ; does not fold ㅠㅠ

Comment 13
아카니시진 2006-02-04 (토) 18:37 18 Years ago Address
어머 이뻐요!!!!!!! >ㅅ
눈커질꺼야 2006-02-04 (토) 18:50 18 Years ago Address
앗 예쁘세요~! 저는 오늘 완절+무흉앞틈 2일짼데 님 2일째랑 상태가 비슷한거같아서 마음이 놓이네요ㅠㅠ 저도 9일째는 그만큼 빠지기를! 06학번 되시나봐요^ㅡ^ 전 2학년되는 헌내긴데 갑자기 해서 애들의 충격이 두렵다는ㅋㅋ
미래의삶 2006-02-04 (토) 20:00 18 Years ago Address
대박나자 2006-02-05 (일) 00:58 18 Years ago Address
라인너무 이쁘네여 정보주세여
스캔들걸 2006-02-05 (일) 01:02 18 Years ago Address
저도 정보좀 주세요~~ 9일짼데 그렇게 티 많이 안나네요~ 부럽~
쌍겹최고의 권위자를 2006-02-05 (일) 14:02 18 Years ago Address
와 완절 작살이네요..넘 이뻐요..저 쪽지좀 주세요.저도 완절해야하거든요..근데 워낙 눈매가 이뿌셨네요.눈웃음도 치시공....^^
김푸른 2006-02-05 (일) 15:17 18 Years ago Address

이뻐요 ㅋㅋ저는 지금 4일째인데요 붓기 엄청 심해요 ㅜ ㅜ
그래도 라인 이뿌시고 잘 되셨네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
저는 붓기떄문에 졸업식 못가게생겼어요 ㅜ ㅜ
유채 2006-02-05 (일) 16:44 18 Years ago Address
저도 정보 좀 주세요^^ 병원이랑 선생님 좀 ^^
플라워 2006-02-05 (일) 18:48 18 Years ago Address
대박나자 2006-02-05 (일) 22:26 18 Years ago Address
비용은 말씀안해주시네.. 비용도 아려주세여
내사랑테이 2006-02-07 (화) 21:26 18 Years ago Address
정보주세요 ㅎㅎ
미소 2006-02-07 (화) 22:33 18 Years ago Address
자세한 정보좀 부탁드려요
캬캬컁 2006-02-08 (수) 20:46 18 Years ago Address
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