<수술전><수술2개월차>After thinking about reoperation for 7 years, I decided to get it done and looked at reviews of photos, excluding places with dramatic before-after photos (because they looked like Photoshop), and chose three places that looked as natural and artificial as possible. After going to them for consultations, I decided on Sugar Plastic Surgery. The staff was all kind, and I waited 20 minutes for the consultation. I told Director Kim Jin-hyung about the areas I wanted to improve: asymmetry of the eye line + Mongolian folds, and I didn’t want an incision, so I wanted to do a buried procedure. I decided to raise the left eye line to match the right eye line, and since my eyes might look sleepy, I decided to do eye correction at the same time! Since my eyes are close together, I couldn’t do a front slit, but I could do an upper slit. So I set a surgery date and went ahead with it! It was done in 30 minutes? under general anesthesia without opening my eyes in the middle, and they explained to me in advance why it was unnecessary to open my eyes. It really didn’t hurt at all. It was a new world. The first surgery was so painful that I almost threw up.. but the buried procedure definitely made less swelling and didn’t hurt, and I was able to go back to my daily life right away, which was great!! It's only been two months and I'm very satisfied with the results.