As you can see in the before surgery picture, one of my eyes was completely loose and I was really stressed out.
After about half a year, it became hard to open my eyes and whereas originally only my bangs were loose, my entire body was loose now.
But the other side was clean and there was no sign of surgery at all, so I kept putting it off wondering if it would turn out naturally.
The beginning is the scariest part when I put it off ㅠㅠ
Anyway, since I have fatty liver, I set a date, mustered up my courage, and went ahead with the revision surgery, and in my opinion, I really like it!!!!!
(I went to 5 places in total and made my final decision at ㅍㄹㅇㅂ)
People around me also said that my impression looked gentler ㅎㅎㅎㅅㅎ
My lines have gotten bigger, so maybe I can look even gentler!