<위에서부터 수술 전, 1개월 후, 2개월 후, 6개월 후, 1년 후, 2년 후입니다.>I failed the burial method double eyelid surgery twice. (They were narrow.)
So I got double eyelid incision surgery to make my eyes look more natural.
For 330,000 yen, they made an incision in the entire double eyelid, removed all the sutures from the past, and removed the fat.
When I had the burial method, I felt pain during the surgery, and after the surgery, my eyes felt rough and uncomfortable, but there was no incision at all for the double eyelid surgery, and I was able to be comfortable during the surgery and the recovery period.
When I look at other people's cases, the swelling goes down quickly and the line is very pretty.
The doctor was really kind. It is thanks to the doctor that I can talk to people while looking into their eyes.
If you are interested in double eyelid surgery in Japan, please visit.