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Eyelid job

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[Double eyelid Burial]

Please take a look at my double eyelid

털찐뚱이 2024-07-24 (수) 18:54 4 Months ago 1887

I had a double eyelid semi-outline and buried surgery. It's been three days since the surgery on Monday. How is it? Do you think it'll be okay once the swelling goes down? I don't have an eye for this kind of thing, so I can't judge it well. It must have gone well. Please take a look at it once and tell me honestly what you think.
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돈까스덮밥 2024-07-24 (수) 19:25 4 Months ago Address
I think it will look more natural and pretty once the swelling goes down. Let's get the swelling down quickly. ㅎㅎ I stretch every day, do lymphatic massage, and drink gongsim vegetable juice to get rid of the swelling. So, in the first week, most of the swelling went down.
털찐뚱이 Writer 2024-07-24 (수) 19:26 4 Months ago Address
ㅠㅠㅠㅠThank you, I'll start stretching from today! I was worried, thank you
체리곰 2024-07-24 (수) 20:27 4 Months ago Address
I think it'll be really pretty once the swelling goes down!! I drank some swelling tea and used the ice pack that the hospital gave me to reduce the swelling!! It went really well, so don't worry :)
털찐뚱이 Writer 2024-07-24 (수) 20:28 4 Months ago Address
너무 고마워ㅠㅡㅠ 찜질 더 열심히 해볼게!ㅎㅎ
데지미아 2024-07-24 (수) 22:56 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
털찐뚱이 Writer 2024-07-24 (수) 22:58 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
여자로살기힘드러 2024-07-25 (목) 07:01 4 Months ago Address
삼일차인데 이정도면 너무이쁘다!! 잘돤거같아ㅜㅜㅜ
ㅂㅅ 2024-07-25 (목) 21:44 4 Months ago Address
나는 3일차에 엄청 부었었는데.이정도면 촤고다 엄청 이뻐질것같아
호이호이호ㅇl 2024-07-26 (금) 22:18 4 Months ago Address
너무 예뻐^^
최맘마 2024-07-28 (일) 14:38 4 Months ago Address
붓기있는데 이정도면 잘된듯! 난 시간날때마다 스텝퍼타고 산책나갔더니 붓기가 쑥쑥 빠지긴했어! ㅎ.ㅎ
체루루 2024-07-29 (월) 04:50 4 Months ago Address
엄청 부럽다 ㅠㅠ 이브게 잘됐어
제이제이미 2024-07-30 (화) 23:16 4 Months ago Address
너무 잘되셨네요 ~~
삼겹살최고야 2024-07-31 (수) 22:35 3 Months ago Address
그냥 딱 봐도 잘된 거 같아! 붓기빠지면 예쁘겠다ㅜ 축하해!!!
눈재수술하구시포 2024-08-03 (토) 23:05 3 Months ago Address
어디서 햇어?! 라인 이뿐디?!
1112222 2024-08-07 (수) 16:42 3 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
털찐뚱이 Writer 2024-08-08 (목) 08:43 3 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
무드덕드 2024-08-07 (수) 22:58 3 Months ago Address
붓기빠지면 진짜 이쁠거 같은데? 라인 너무 예뿌다!
병원 정보 알 수 있울까?
털찐뚱이 Writer 2024-08-08 (목) 08:45 3 Months ago Address
고마워ㅎㅎ 압구정에 있는 ㄷㄹ(ㅡㅣㅁ) 성형외과에서 했어!
3501 2024-08-08 (목) 22:18 3 Months ago Address
라인 완전 예쁜데?? 붓기 빠지면 더 예뻐지겠다
비브비브 2024-08-25 (일) 03:53 3 Months ago Address
넘 예뻐요
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