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Eyelid job

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[Double eyelid Burial]

One month since burial

미터기폭팔 2024-05-27 (월) 16:34 6 Months ago 2476

It's a burial, but it's done in a way that opens up the front line (I twisted one or two stitches each), so the swelling seems to go down more slowly than other burials... But if you look at your eyes at night, the line is definitely thinner, but when you wake up, it's swollen again. Is that just the way it is... Anyway, if you wait . I am satisfied because it seems like it will turn out okay . The director was very kind.. It was nice that he explained things very kindly not only to me but also to the questions of my parents who went with me. I sold about 6 places, but the director here took the best line slowly and meticulously, so I decided to come here. I think I did well

Comment 6
각팝 2024-05-27 (월) 20:45 6 Months ago Address
The surgery went so well!
현eeeee 2024-05-27 (월) 21:18 6 Months ago Address
I think it will be pretty once the lines are in place.
우부초뱝 2024-06-05 (수) 16:05 5 Months ago Address
Great snow!
Ilillllli 2024-07-02 (화) 22:55 4 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
토리아리 2024-07-24 (수) 19:17 4 Months ago Address
앞라인을 틔워주는 방식으로 해서 (각각 한두땀씩 꼬맸음
이게 무슨뜻이야?앞에만 꼬맨거야?
미터기폭팔 Writer 2024-07-26 (금) 16:18 4 Months ago Address
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