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Eyelid job

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[Double eyelid Burial]

Non-incision eyelid + buried eyelid Burial It’s been a month and there’s swelling ㅠㅠ

시랑6482 2024-07-01 (월) 04:12 4 Months ago 2133

It's been a month since the non-incisional bridge of the eye was buried, and the swelling isn't going down anymore... I'm so scared that this is the finished eye. I wonder if I'll have to undergo reoperation for sausage eyes... I heard it takes up to 3 months to get the lines, so I guess I'll have to wait longer... ..?
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Comment 9
이브1 2024-07-01 (월) 07:47 4 Months ago Address
After 6 months... I think it worked out well!
데지미아 2024-07-01 (월) 16:15 4 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
시랑6482 Writer 2024-07-01 (월) 19:59 4 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
워포 2024-07-01 (월) 18:07 4 Months ago Address
Looks like it's not falling out as much as I thought,,, wait a little longer!
시랑6482 Writer 2024-07-01 (월) 20:00 4 Months ago Address
I looked it up and found that the bridge of the eye doesn't come off easily, and it's a non-incision surgery without stitches, but there needs to be stitches for it to fall out well. Thank you for your support~~
gangi 2024-07-16 (화) 17:53 4 Months ago Address
* this is a secret.
시랑6482 Writer 2024-07-16 (화) 18:19 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
gangi 2024-07-17 (수) 13:11 4 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
강낭콩두부 2024-07-16 (화) 21:21 4 Months ago Address
난 3주? 정도 걸렸는데 사람마다 다르니까 조금만 더 기다려보고 그래도 안빠지면 병원 꼭 가봐! 수시로 얼음 마사지 해주고!!
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