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is this a band? Please look

꽃미녀사무관 2005-12-30 (금) 20:00 18 Years ago 2158

The line in front of my eyes.. can you see? ㅠㅠ Is this a band? ㅠㅠ If I just have an epicanthoplasty, what would it be like..? I thought it was something that would happen, and I thought it would disappear when the scars disappear... is n't it ? ㅠㅠ If it doesn't go away, it's almost a waste ㅠㅠ I really hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -_- What should I do if this is a band ? ㅠㅠ And how do you get rid of the pen marks (?) seen in the picture with your eyes closed ㅠㅠ Why did the line on the line come down like that?;; There is no pen mark on the right eye, but only the left eye says that -_- Soap doesn't erase it.. Purple confetti.. Does it work?

Comment 12
꽃미녀사무관 Writer 2005-12-30 (금) 22:59 18 Years ago Address
I'm so embarrassed that no one answered -_-;; ㅠㅠ
히메로스 2005-12-30 (금) 23:03 18 Years ago Address
How old are you?
꽃미녀사무관 Writer 2005-12-30 (금) 23:06 18 Years ago Address
I did it on the 21st~ then.. the 10th day?;
우니 2005-12-30 (금) 23:45 18 Years ago Address
Isn't the purpose of epicanthoplasty to remove the band?;; It's strange.. Consult your doctor once;
꽃미녀사무관 Writer 2005-12-31 (토) 00:27 18 Years ago Address
Epicanthoplasty is to get rid of the mongolia. It seems that bands may occur after epicanthoplasty;
우니 2005-12-31 (토) 01:04 18 Years ago Address
The Mongolian folds have been removed, but can the bands remain? My friend was in a band while dreaming (like fox eyes) and disappeared while he was in front of me..
애플애플 2005-12-31 (토) 01:06 18 Years ago Address
I got a band like you after having an epicanthoplasty.. It's been a month and a half.. I don't think it will disappear yet..
재수술해야하나? 2005-12-31 (토) 08:40 18 Years ago Address
I know it's one of the side effects of epicanthoplasty. The band should be gone, but it happens instead.. So I'm thinking about reoperation..
LEEN 2005-12-31 (토) 14:41 18 Years ago Address
Ah.. like a band.. receiving as after consulting with a doctor...
꽃미녀사무관 Writer 2005-12-31 (토) 14:42 18 Years ago Address
밴드가 맞는 건가요? 밴드의 정확한 정의를 모르겠음;;;
미스킴 2006-01-01 (일) 00:03 18 Years ago Address
수술후에 밴드현상있을수있어요. 그건 몇달후에 사라진다던데..
creamee 2006-01-05 (목) 17:46 18 Years ago Address
오랫만에 들어와서 지금 봤네욤.눈크게 떴을때 눈머리쪽부터 아래쪽 위쪽으로 막이 쳐진것처럼 선이 생긴걸 밴드라고 하던데요.
몽고심하신분들은 원래 있는 분도있고
앞틈하면서 다 안터지면 생기기도 한데요..
레이저로는 안된다구 그러시던데..
밴드가 약하면 붓기 가라앉으면서 없어질수도 있어요.
파란건..멍이 아니라 펜..인가요? 멍인줄 알았는데..
하신병원에 상담받으시는게 제일 정확할것 같아요.
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