<수술 전><수술 후><수술 후><수술 후>Originally, plastic surgery isn't something you just get and that's it, but how it settles down each time is important, so I'm going to write a part 2 for everyone to reference!
Eyes: What stressed me out the most was that my eyes looked smaller because of my double eyelids, and that my eyes looked uneven because they were different sizes, but after getting eye surgery this time, my uneven eyes definitely improved, so I'm satisfied!
When I was visiting many hospitals, other hospitals unconditionally recommended that I also get eye surgery, but here, there was no such recommendation at all, and the advantage was that I could do the surgery in a direction that I could do.
So I got the second surgery with only natural adhesion without eye surgery. After more than a month, I felt that the swelling and residual swelling were going down slowly. Still, the swelling wasn't that much from the beginning, so I wasn't too worried, but since it wasn't my first surgery, I plan to keep watching until the residual swelling goes down.
Nose: This time, I definitely got a bulbous nose correction, and I got the surgery using my septum + ear cartilage + donated
ribs. My biggest concern about my nose was my flat nose tip, so I told the director to please make my nose tip thinner. ㅋㅋ Compared to after a month, the swelling has gone down a lot, so I think the thin line is visible.
But rhinoplasty has a stabilization period of at least 6 months, so I plan to keep watching this too!
More than anything, since I had surgery at the same time as my eyes and nose, it was important for my facial features to look harmonious after they settled in. I had surgery at the same hospital under different directors,
but the hospital gave me thorough consultations and the director personally checked my progress every time, so I was reassured as the person who had the surgery. But as I said last time, what was surprising was that the swelling was less than the first surgery and the pain wasn't so bad that I had to take painkillers separately..! There are people who worry that it might hurt more because it's a second surgery, so I want to tell them that everything depends on the situation!
I'm still in my second month, so like I said before, I'm going to keep watching! But one thing for sure is that both my eyes and nose are prettier than before, so my confidence has increased and I feel like I want to put on makeup.. ㅋㅋ