<윈터닮게 나온 사진!><수술 전이랑 1달><2달, 3달차><수술전><수술전><1달차><1달차><2달차><2달차><제일 최근 3달차>I don't know why I bothered to use only double rims for 7 years.
It’s so convenient to dual wield, so the time to prepare in the morning has been drastically reduced!
I corrected the dermal adhesion (natural adhesion) of the eyes and the feeling of looking sleepy disappeared completely.
My eyes are clearer than before the surgery, and I really like it haha.
I know it's shameless, but... I brought a picture of Espa Winter with me when I consulted with the director... haha.
I want to do it in-outline, but they said they want to do it like winter snow.
What do you mean by similar... They make it almost the same ო
When I go outside, I often hear people say I look like Winter...hahaha
I got my nose from a different director at the same hospital.
There are separate people who are snotty.
I was thinking about doing just the eyes, but I suddenly wanted to do the nose too haha.
I didn't take a separate photo, and it was originally from my nose.
I just wanted it to be taller, but I asked the director to make it blend naturally with my eyes!
It's been 3 months now and I'm satisfied with the shape of my nose!
I like the lines because they are pretty.
It would have been a shame if we only did the eyes, but I really think we did a good job together.
It feels natural and not excessive.
I will attach before and after photos!