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Eyelid job

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[Double eyelid Burial]

Review of double eyelid after 2 years

스테비아방울토마토 2023-12-30 (토) 00:27 10 Months ago 946
I'll write a review of my eye surgery, which was my first plastic surgery due to my high school job. After the college entrance exam, I was sitting around with nothing to do, and I was debating whether or not I should do double hand surgery during winter break. At that time, I was just talking about various things with my cousin, and he told me that there was a girl among his friends who was really good at doubles. She doesn't say she's pretty, but she said she's gotten really pretty. She asked me to tell her and told her to go to the hospital. So, I went to the hospital that my brother told me about, got a consultation right away, and even made a reservation for surgery on the same day. He also wanted to do an epicanthoplasty, but he told me not to do it, so I ended up doing only double-hand surgery. I didn't even look into other hospitals, and I made an appointment for surgery on the same day, so quickly? I even had surgery haha. I think the surgery went well. From the beginning, I wanted natural eyes that weren't excessive, and since my eyes were originally very small and not pretty, I think they did a good job of creating natural lines that fit those eyes. My friend also had surgery at that hospital after seeing me have surgery, so I guess it went well at this rate, right? It's been 2 years since the surgery and I scratch my eyes a lot because I have severe allergies. But it's still fine so far. Even though I try to focus my eyes as much as possible, I feel like I keep touching it unconsciously. I also had eye correction done at the time, but seriously... I still don't know the effect. Where on earth was the correction done? I don't even know if eye correction itself is an effective surgery in the first place. Right now, I feel like the line is too thin, so I'm thinking about having a second surgery.

Comment 11
무쉬기 2023-12-30 (토) 01:02 10 Months ago Address
Was the eye correction done because of ptosis?
스테비아방울토마토 Writer 2024-01-02 (화) 12:09 10 Months ago Address
maybe? I did as the director recommended.
다콩이유 2023-12-30 (토) 01:40 10 Months ago Address
라인 얇아서 나두 재수술 고려주…
헤헷콩따리 2023-12-30 (토) 04:29 10 Months ago Address
나도 재수술쨈에 가입해써..
수술성공기원합니닷 2023-12-30 (토) 17:24 10 Months ago Address
눈매교정이랑 쌍꺼풀수술이랑 다른거야? 난 같은 개념인줄알았어
Ennnnn 2023-12-31 (일) 16:18 10 Months ago Address
재수술 나도 고민중 ㅠㅠ 결국 하겠지
코수술하나 2023-12-31 (일) 16:43 10 Months ago Address
저도 재수술 고민중ㅠㅠ
한 번에 성공했으면 좋았을텐디ㅠㅠㅠ
스티바a 2023-12-31 (일) 19:22 10 Months ago Address
응태 2024-01-01 (월) 06:15 10 Months ago Address
처음네 눈매교정을 권하신 이유가 뭐야?
스테비아방울토마토 Writer 2024-01-02 (화) 12:10 10 Months ago Address
보통은 쌍커풀 수술하면서 같이 한다고 하시더라구!
myjinnis 2024-01-04 (목) 10:44 10 Months ago Address
눈매교정하면 눈 좀 더 크게 떠지고 좀 더 튼튼히 잡고있어서 매몰이 풀릴 확률이 좀 낮아진다고 하는데..요새는 그냥 필요없어도 같이 하라고 하는 추세인듯..
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