<전><후><전><후><전><후>Before I had eye surgery again, I was really stressed out
and it was a waste of money because my eyes were swollen, but after having eye surgery, I feel so comfortable now. I
was worried about the lines every day when I looked in the mirror, so it took me a lot of time to put on makeup, but
now the lines are exactly what I wanted, so I can put on makeup. I'm not embarrassed at all
I go out with a bare face. The same goes for
my nose, which has a clean line and no swelling anymore
. I was a little worried about my nose because my first eye surgery failed , but I just wanted to see a good doctor and have the surgery. .
Each plastic surgery clinic has different doctors, different surgical methods and techniques, so
I realized that I had to just look at the skills and experience of the doctor.
I really don't regret going with Nunko at all haha.