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I was considering Shinseung and I went to a place that specializes in anterior cingulate reconstruction, but I ended up going to a place that specializes in anterior cingulate reconstruction.

주딸 2019-10-17 (목) 23:06 5 Years ago 6987
앞트임복원 전

<앞트임복원 전>

앞트임복원 전

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앞트임복원 후

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앞트임복원 후

<앞트임복원 후>

I was working as a press secretary in Cheonan, and I got to know Swan Plastic Surgery through my friend who works at a store. I was worried about Shinseung and two other places because they were specialized in frontal ptosis restoration, but I ended up getting the surgery. It's been two weeks and I'm satisfied. Even if they do this under my name and don't advertise, I have nothing left. I had frontal ptosis surgery when I was really young, so I suffered for 10 years. I'm really glad I did it^^ Swan Plastic Surgery. If you ask for Director Ma Yoon-hee and tell her that you're introduced to Kim Hyeon-seok, the head of Cheonan's frontal sales office, you can get a discount of 280 to 250. Frontal ptosis restoration surgery is a really difficult surgery, and you have to go to a good hospital. You should get the surgery at a plastic surgery clinic where a director has been in the same field for at least 7 years. But since it's famous for frontal ptosis restoration, my friend recommended it to me, so I was worried about Shinseung and got the surgery here, and I think it was really good. I had the surgery for about 2.5 million won. Please do more research before you go. I'm satisfied. This is not spam or an advertisement. I'm uploading this because there are people who have suffered or looked bad because of the front-end. Please note. I'll upload the progress photos again on the 1st day of the month.

Comment 16
주딸 Writer 2019-10-17 (목) 23:08 5 Years ago Address
쪽지주세요 경과사진 증거 영수증 까지 다 보내드릴수잇습니다. 정말 앞트임때문에 복원 생각하시는 분들은 스완가세요 신승도 잘합니다. 진짜 잘 선택하셔야되요 앞트임복원수술은 재수술이고 진짜 잘하는데서 해야됩니다.
ililllliii… 2021-08-14 (토) 21:35 3 Years ago Address
[@주딸] 아직도 추천 소개로 갔다고 해도 가능한가요?
남자눈코티안나게잘해… 2019-10-19 (토) 07:08 5 Years ago Address
신승의원 저도 성잘알 친구가 추천해줫어요 거기 잘한다고
냥드립 2019-10-20 (일) 04:08 5 Years ago Address
형광증 2019-10-20 (일) 19:32 5 Years ago Address
앞모습 궁금해요ㅠㅠ
모자랑 앞머리땜에 제대로잘안보여요ㅠㅠ
스완 앞틤재건 리스트병원에있어서 도움될거같아요사진올려주시면
주딸 Writer 2019-10-21 (월) 04:20 5 Years ago Address
경과 한달뒤에 다시 올릴께요^^ 대충저래요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
주딸 Writer 2019-10-21 (월) 04:20 5 Years ago Address
원래 제가 모자쓰는걸 좋아해서여... 한달뒤 경과 사진 업로드 할께요^^
주딸 Writer 2019-10-24 (목) 00:53 5 Years ago Address
흉은 아직까지 있구 콘투라투벡스 바르고 있습니다. 서서히 없어지구 있고.. 실밥빼고 한달뒤 흉주사 레이저치료 병행해주신다구 그러시네요^^  한달뒤쯤이면 자연스러워 질꺼 같습니다. 나갈때 컨실러 바르고 있네요^^
치즈빙수 2019-10-25 (금) 13:53 5 Years ago Address
잘생기셨어요 bj남순닮으셨어요
세숑 2019-12-25 (수) 18:35 4 Years ago Address
수술전 눈이 저랑 비슷하세요... 잘돼셨다니 다행이에요
사예 2021-02-09 (화) 18:53 3 Years ago Address
수술 정말 잘 되셨어요...ㅠㅠ
달달하이 2021-04-25 (일) 07:06 3 Years ago Address
스완에서 친구해가지고 완전망했는데 ㅠ 그래서 블랙으로 뺫거둔요 역시케바케군요
qlbeda 2021-12-01 (수) 22:57 3 Years ago Address
[@달달하이] 헐 ㅠㅠ 앞트임 복원 망한건가요?
성형열받아 2021-08-15 (일) 18:12 3 Years ago Address
글이랑 댓글만 보고 가면 안되는 아주 좋은 예시네요.. 복원 생각하시는분들 이 글이랑 댓글만 보고 가지마세요
포카칩스 2023-10-28 (토) 21:05 1 Years ago Address
여기 절대 가면 안됨ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ하 진짜 눈도 제대로 안올려놓으시고 뭘보란건지
없음없음 2023-12-19 (화) 04:15 11 Months ago Address
잘 안보이네요
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