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Eyelid job

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It's been a month since the surgery. If it's (burial method) free, it's almost embarrassing ㅠㅠ

 아잉, 2005-01-29 (토) 17:17 19 Years ago 2332

It's been exactly a month since I had surgery for burial, I took this photo to commemorate the one-month anniversary, Originally, my eyes didn't swell too much, Maybe it's because I have that type of constitution, but the swelling went down quickly. I started going to see my friends on the third day after surgery. I started using warm compresses on the 4th day, I fell in love so much that it is similar to what I am now, And the swelling went down slightly and slowly, It seems like it's all gone now. What do you think? Because I originally have tearful and fierce eyes, My friends said I did well, and my eyes became softer, My eyes got bigger, so I'm very satisfied^^ My current eye is the left eye, My right eye is slightly more swollenㅠㅠ It's not noticeable, but she's going to go to the hospital soon and ask, I wonder if the swelling on the right side has gone down yet,,,

Comment 8
 아잉, Writer 2005-01-29 (토) 17:18 19 Years ago Address
앞트임이나 그 외에는 아무것도 안했어요, 오로지 쌍컵만,,
김별눈원츄ㅠㅠ 2005-01-29 (토) 17:21 19 Years ago Address
첫번쨰눈 힘좀주시고 찍으신듯?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ근데 웃을떄 넘예쁘게 잘되신거 같아요^^막 눈웃음 같아요!!!!1속으로 딱 잘 드가신듯!!!!부러워요ㅠㅠ
눈위에줄긋기 2005-01-29 (토) 17:40 19 Years ago Address
와 부럽네요!! 저도 매몰로한지 12일짼데, 눈안쪽은 붓기가 잘 안빠지네요. 원래 눈바깥쪽부터 빠지나요??;;;
플루빛 2005-01-29 (토) 17:57 19 Years ago Address
티 별로 안난다 ~
우카캉ㅎ 2005-01-29 (토) 17:57 19 Years ago Address
와, 티 안나요~~ 예쁘세요
붓기빼기TT 2005-01-29 (토) 20:09 19 Years ago Address
우오 ㅏ 진짜 이뿌새요!!
 아잉, Writer 2005-01-29 (토) 20:30 19 Years ago Address
감사합니다♡ 붓기는 저는 골고루 빠지다가 안쪽이 빠지던데요; 그러면서 인으로...^^;
정보좀공유해요 2005-01-30 (일) 14:30 19 Years ago Address
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