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Eyelid job

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[Double eyelid Incision]

I received a refund after double eyelid incision surgery. Am I being a nuisance? Please read until the end

qoxodyd 2023-07-14 (금) 02:40 1 Years ago 5507








I had incision eye correction and epicanthoplasty done at the end of March of this year at a private men's high school hospital. Almost three months after the epicanthoplasty was done, they said the epicanthoplasty was a bit excessive, the scars were severe, and the double eyelids seemed to be mismatched, so the original distance between the eyes was 4.3 to 4.4. The doctor said that it wasn't excessive because it was just a little bit, and it was 4.0~4.1, and that the scars and double eyelids would get better over time. But I still saw crooked marks in it and I didn't like it, so I asked him to restore it, and he kept saying that he couldn't restore it and that he was an ophthalmologist at all. Among the people who come to plastic surgery, the statistics show that there are people with mental problems. When people said things like this, I got angry and asked if they thought I was mentally ill. If they didn't give me a refund, I would report it to the broadcasting station and sue them legally. This is how people ruin people's eyes. When I asked what he was doing, the doctor was confused at first and said he couldn't give me a refund. Then, I don't know if he knew what he did was wrong, or if he didn't want it to get worse, or if he felt that his double was ruined, but he said he would give me a refund, and he said that this is the first time I've seen someone like this in my life as a doctor. There was no one. I told this to my friends. Are you serious? I'm not asking for a refund for this. One of them said, "The doctor was caught. Am I a nuisance?" Would you please take a look and judge for yourself?
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Comment 27
금낭 2023-07-14 (금) 02:44 1 Years ago Address
내가 느끼기엔 앞트임이 과해보이진않는데 미세하게 쌍커풀이 짝짝이인가…??? 내가 볼땐 괜찮아보여!
ㅠ배고파 2023-07-14 (금) 05:36 1 Years ago Address
ㅇㅇㅇ 너가 ㄹㅇ 존나 민폐같은데..개진상임 걍 의사가 그냥 호구잡혔다 생각하고 환불해주겠다 한것 같은데 사람 눈 망쳤기엔 부작용도 없고 차라리 방송국 제보하고 고소하겠다 이 말은 하지 말고 일부 환불 정도 말하지 그랬어 나도 여기 있는지 1년짼데 너같은 애는 처음 봄
목표하는곳에갈래 2023-07-14 (금) 05:37 1 Years ago Address
나도 절개 쌍수 했었는데 몇달 안됐는데 흉터 저정도면 연한편이라고 생각도들어 아직 두고봐야할거같아 라인 짝짝이는 사진상 좀 있는거같기도하고.. 근데 부작용이라기엔 이전보다 훨씬 잘생겨지고 속쌍처럼 잘되고 부담스럽지도않아서 병원쪽 말이 이해가 가는거같음. 개인적으로는 저걸 어떻게 환불받아냈지 대단하단 생각이 들음... 진짜 사람 누가봐도 괴물만들어놓고도 환불 안해주는 병원들 부지기수인데
NSSS 2023-07-14 (금) 06:53 1 Years ago Address
눈 모양은 나쁘진 않은데요?
곰곰6 2023-07-14 (금) 09:11 1 Years ago Address
사진상으론 앞트임 흉터가 확인이 안되는거같아
수술 잘된거같은데..?
사진만 보곤 너무 자연스러워서 문제였나했엉
젤라또살구맛 2023-07-14 (금) 10:35 1 Years ago Address
원래 절개흉터 2년씩 오래가... 라인이 좀 찌글찌글하긴한데....
손부산 2023-07-14 (금) 11:50 1 Years ago Address
예민한거맞는듯 ..예민한게 잘못된건아니지만 저정도면 보통 나쁘지않게된거고 의사도 진심으로 괜찮게됐다 여길만함 그럼에도 환불해준 건..그냥 하 됐다  일벌리기싫다 이맘으로 해준거임
싱싱기기 2023-07-14 (금) 12:10 1 Years ago Address
전혀 안과한데
유닝블리 2023-07-14 (금) 13:49 1 Years ago Address
일단 라인은 잘 나온것같은데 흉이 문제였던거지??? 근데 흉은 관리 잘해주면 사라지는거라...ㅠㅠ 근데 과하다곤 못하지...당연히 예민한 부분인데...예사들 너무 뭐라구한다..ㅠㅠ
모르지엘라 2023-07-14 (금) 14:13 1 Years ago Address
민폐는 아닌듯
아리수아난 2023-07-14 (금) 14:24 1 Years ago Address
망쳤다고 보기는 좀 어렵긴 한데.. 마음에 안들 순 있다 생각...
럽럽미라 2023-07-14 (금) 14:31 1 Years ago Address
라인 잘 나온것같은데 ㅠㅠ
ㅇㅈㅌㅈ 2023-07-14 (금) 15:01 1 Years ago Address
앞트임은 과하지 않는데 쌍커풀이 살짝짝짝이? 근데 망친게 아닌건 확실
ㅂㅈㅉ 2023-07-14 (금) 15:35 1 Years ago Address
망한것까진 모르겠고 말은 선넘었네 ㅋㅋ 정신에 문제있는 사람이 온다니...
덥더미 2023-07-14 (금) 16:42 1 Years ago Address
1.앞트임 과하게 보이지 않음.
2.흉이라는걱은 의사 말도로 시간이 약이라 생각. 흉터연고 사용해보면어때?
3.의사의 정신병 말 이상함 과함.
4.혹시 기대했던거보다 눈 결과가 마음에 안드는거 아닌가 생각 됨.
똘똘뭉쳐 2023-07-14 (금) 17:21 1 Years ago Address
예사가 진상 맞음
하핳ㅏ 2023-07-14 (금) 19:00 1 Years ago Address
와 제가보기엔 되게 잘되신거같아요..
클린clean 2023-07-15 (토) 02:08 1 Years ago Address
잘되신것같은데 저정도로 환불이라니 병원착하네요
뚜두뚜두뚜 2023-07-15 (토) 15:23 1 Years ago Address
겁나 자연스러워서 문제인 줄 알았는데 병원 착하네
ㅋㅋㄹ 2023-07-16 (일) 08:47 1 Years ago Address
흉은 거의 1년까지 보는거야
체크메이트 2023-07-18 (화) 13:06 1 Years ago Address
환불하는게맞아보이는데? 눈 속쌍으로 한거같은데 눈끝트머리에 속쌍으로 안보이게잡아야하는데 느끼하게나온거같애 환불이맞는듯해
아이신나라 2023-07-18 (화) 14:42 1 Years ago Address
음…수술 자연스럽게 잘 된거야 같은데 잘 모르겠네
윤건우 2023-07-21 (금) 01:27 1 Years ago Address
나쁘진 않은거같아요
꽃그늘 2023-07-23 (일) 01:21 1 Years ago Address
예사가 그렇게 느끼는거면 환불은 맞다고 생각하는데
보기에는 엄청 부자연스럽지는 않다고 생각해,,
왠만해서 환불 안해주려는 병원이 많은데
그래도 해준다니 다행이네
잘 해결되길 바래!
튜브21 2023-08-18 (금) 15:55 1 Years ago Address
예뻐ㅇㅇ 2023-08-31 (목) 20:39 1 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
노력없이동안되고싶어 2024-09-16 (월) 16:08 2 Months ago Address
병원 착하다
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