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Eyelid job

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[Natural Adhesion]

First pair + 3rd week semi-out review!

딸기라라2 2023-07-05 (수) 11:53 1 Years ago 1285
21 days
I went to a total of 4 hospitals, and out of the last two I went to for consultation, Dr. Seong Ji-yoon liked it, so I got the surgery! Even on the way to the counseling, I looked for reviews even on apps that looked like it, but maybe it was because I had been at a famous hospital for a long time before the director, and even when I was consulting, he told me the style I wanted (semi-out style and flashy feeling) . I decided to do it because I liked the way he checked the line that would suit me well and actively consulted with me ! After the surgery, I was worried at first because of the swelling, but after 3 weeks, the swelling went down and the semi-out line came out to my liking! I think the way I used to do eye makeup will also change, so I'm diligently buying cosmetics .

Comment 10
경이럽 2023-07-05 (수) 13:21 1 Years ago Address
The swelling is gone, please post a review haha ​​I'm looking into it too
이쁨받고시프 2023-07-05 (수) 15:33 1 Years ago Address
오 ㅎㅎ 후기 고마어
파란파랑파랑 2023-07-05 (수) 16:08 1 Years ago Address
혹시 소시지눈 아니게 되고 멍 같은 거 빠지기까지는 어느정도 걸렸어?ㅠㅠ
딸기라라2 Writer 2023-07-10 (월) 14:31 1 Years ago Address
나는 멍이 심한 편은 아니여서 2주뒤부터는 잘 빠졌던거 같아 붓기는 3주되니깐 점점 훅훅 빠지는 느낌!
링링닝닝 2023-07-06 (목) 01:04 1 Years ago Address
헉 혹시 발품은 몇군데 가봤어??? 그리고 붓기 후기 좀 알려주라!!
딸기라라2 Writer 2023-07-10 (월) 14:32 1 Years ago Address
나는 총 4군데 다녀왔고 수술하고 나서 1주일정도는 멍이랑 붓기 제일 심하고 이제 3주차 된깐 붓기 잘 빠지고 있어 차분히 기다리면 다 빠지니 조급해 하지 않는게 중요한듯!
히알루코 2023-07-06 (목) 14:46 1 Years ago Address
붓기 빠진 사진 궁금쓰해용
snoo 2023-07-09 (일) 00:21 1 Years ago Address
후기 기대된당
미밍이야 2023-07-10 (월) 12:05 1 Years ago Address
yyou 2024-03-17 (일) 12:30 8 Months ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
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