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Eyelid job

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Eye fat removal!

wind 2018-08-12 (일) 12:40 6 Years ago 1609
After much thought and consideration, I got my eyelid fat removed at ㅇㅇㅇ, which has the best reviews and photos! They said the procedure would take about 15 minutes, but I think it took about 30 to 40 minutes in total. The reason it hurt was because my eyelids were pulled apart by the fatty tissue, but it was still bearable. I was so nervous during the procedure that the heart rate measuring machine beeped a lot throughout the surgery. .. Haha, I saw that the swelling had gone down roughly 3 days after the surgery, but there was no difference, so I thought it wasn't working and inquired again. The hospital told me to wait for about 2 weeks since there was still some swelling. But time was running out. Afterwards, everything I saw was just minor swelling! The swelling has gone down and it is definitely effective. content!!! It's been over two months now. The surgical scars where the incisions were made are not completely gone, and you can see the puncture marks if you look closely, but they are very small, so it's okay. Compared to the puffy eyelids, this is nothing... This is the fat in front of the eyes being removed, so I am currently using a loop to see a little more effect. I'm thinking about fat removal.

Comment 20
kmjj 2018-08-13 (월) 20:48 6 Years ago Address
눈매교정이랑 비슷한건가요
Jack Writer 2018-08-29 (수) 22:42 6 Years ago Address
[@kmjj] 눈매교정은 눈위 리프팅을 하는건가요~? 눈지방제거는 안의 지방을 뺴는겁니당 ㅎ
헝헤 2018-08-14 (화) 23:24 6 Years ago Address
Jack Writer 2018-08-29 (수) 22:41 6 Years ago Address
[@헝헤] 주사는 지방이 다시 찰수도 있고/주사성분이 골고루 퍼지지 않거나 한곳에만 스며들어 고르지않게 될 확률이 있다고 해서... 수술로 결정했어요 ㅎㅎ 3개월차인지금 절개창 더 옅어보이는것같아요 !
Jack Writer 2018-08-29 (수) 22:01 6 Years ago Address
안녕하세요 댓글달아주신분들! 제가 아직 등급이 안되서 여러분 댓글이 안보이네요 ㅎ 혹시 질문 있으신거면 등업 받고 답해드릴께요 ㅋㅋ
Qwer135 2018-08-30 (목) 17:36 6 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
Jack Writer 2018-11-13 (화) 18:09 6 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
안승주 2018-09-29 (토) 21:47 6 Years ago Address
헉ㅜㅜ 저 눈두덩이 불룩해서 부리부리한데 병원 정보 알려주시면 안될까요?ㅜ 어느지역인지도 부탁드립니다!
Jack Writer 2018-11-13 (화) 18:07 6 Years ago Address
[@안승주] 다른글에 댓글다신분이시네요 ㅎ 서울이에요. 보내드렸습니다
포미 2018-10-23 (화) 21:13 6 Years ago Address
정보 부탁드립니다!
Jack Writer 2018-11-13 (화) 18:07 6 Years ago Address
[@포미] 네!
사랑후에 2018-11-21 (수) 12:20 6 Years ago Address
저는 눈 뒷부분이 퉁퉁한데 지방제거는 앞부분 퉁퉁에 더 효과적인가요? 추가로 저도 정보 부탁드릴께요>_<
Jack Writer 2018-11-24 (토) 14:53 6 Years ago Address
[@사랑후에] 뒷부분이란게 정확히 어떤뜻이죠 ㅋㅋ 뼈랑 눈사이 윗 부분 말씀하시는건가요
kgss 2019-01-15 (화) 20:07 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
eer 2019-04-30 (화) 00:11 5 Years ago Address
저도 병원 정보좀 부탁드릴게요 ㅠㅠ
댕댕이221 2019-12-11 (수) 19:22 4 Years ago Address
정보 부탁 드립니다..
지니wlalwlsl 2020-02-29 (토) 22:52 4 Years ago Address
제발 정보 부탁드립니다..
흥진 2020-05-28 (목) 21:29 4 Years ago Address
병원 정보 부탁드립니다 ㅠㅠㅠ
frog101 2021-06-08 (화) 09:37 3 Years ago Address
쌍수나 다른 수술없이 지방제거만 가능한건가요???ㅠ
골뱅이23 2023-05-18 (목) 23:23 1 Years ago Address
병원 정보 부탁드릴게요.
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