<재수 전 눈(매몰1번, 풀려서 한쪽 다시매몰~6년지남)><현재눈><현재 눈><지금눈(왼쪽 눈 끝부분이 흐릿해졌어여 ㅠㅠ) ><재수 전 사진(화장안함)><1년후 눈 사진>It was buried, then released, buried again, released again, and proceeded with an incision.
I always had a problem with the left eye (the eye was buried compared to the right). At first, it was fine, but the left end was a little blurry again. They said they would fix it a little, but I didn't have time, so I couldn't do it for a year. Well, I'll do it when I have time again...
The before and after pictures are in the post I uploaded before!
Oh, and I have a constitution that allows my chest fat to grow really well, so for a few months, my chest fat rose to the double line, so I had a really hard time... . ㅠㅠ I thought I was going to live without my double eyelids haha, but time is the trick. The mucous membrane that looks like it's been pinched has come down and almost all of the scar tissue has disappeared (Triam injection for the breast muscle has really hurt... ㅠ) In the end, I'm satisfied with the result, but I just need to touch up a few stitches on my left eye. I think that will be on the future agenda haha..
There is no such thing as an ACE period during the surgery, and they said they would pay the anesthesia fee and have it done again..
Let’s take a look at some pictures.