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Eyelid job

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natural adhesion

걱걱걱 2019-03-02 (토) 11:34 5 Years ago 713
I had natural double eyelid adhesion a week ago. I originally have double eyelids, but they were slightly uneven, so I wanted to match them. Since I'm the type of person who bruises easily, my right eye is bruised and I'm currently using a warm compress. The bruise has changed from dark red to just a red bruise. I think I'll have to watch it until next week. Both were well balanced and there were no surgical scars due to natural adhesion. The swelling isn't that bad. However... I still have to wear glasses because of the bruises. Time will solve it.

Comment 14
자유롭고퐝 2019-03-02 (토) 13:37 5 Years ago Address
Although others are trying to stop me, I only notice the slight unevenness and one side looks a bit stuffy, so I made a reservation for natural adhesion burial treatment. I also have double eyelids, but I'm not sure if I messed with them for no reason, I'm scared of the side effects, and I'm worried that something might go wrong, so I paid a deposit, but I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing, and at that moment, I read your post. It's a little comforting ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
걱걱걱 Writer 2019-03-02 (토) 16:15 5 Years ago Address
[@Free and happy] Yes. The part I was most confident in was my eyes, but I thought I was changing my look by touching them for no reason, but every morning when I put on makeup, I draw different lines... It's really annoying, and the double eye that only I know is visible when I take pictures was so annoying, so I ended up doing it. Be free and you will do well~!!
애플솔 2023-03-28 (화) 22:05 1 Years ago Address
저랑 같은 고민 하고 계신데 수술하셨나요??
아무거나입력되라 2019-03-03 (일) 00:58 5 Years ago Address
자연유착은 어떤 눈에 되나요? 저는 자꾸 절개로 하라하는데 흉 안만들고 싶은데 ㅠㅠ
걱걱걱 Writer 2019-03-03 (일) 11:54 5 Years ago Address
[@아무거나입력되라] 제가 전문가가 아니라 잘은 모르지만..., 살성이 사람마다 다르고, 또 눈에 지방이 많으면 자연유착보단 절개를 권하는걸로 알고 있어요. 금방 풀리니까요. 저같은 경우는 원래도 쌍꺼풀이 있었고, 눈에 지방이 없고, 눈이 들어간 편이라 0.8밀리 두께로해도 눈뜨면 티가 안나는 편이라 자연유착이 가능하다했어요. 보통은 얇게는 0.3-0.4미리, 크게는 0.9미리까지고 평균이 0.6-0.7미리 두께라 했어요. 상담받으면 의사쌤들이 본인에게 맞게 추천해주는게 가장 정확한걸꺼에요. 대신 여러군데 알아보시구요.
옐쁨 2019-03-03 (일) 12:18 5 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
걱걱걱 Writer 2019-03-03 (일) 18:57 5 Years ago Address
[@옐쁨] 쪽지 보냈습니다.
Dlddid 2019-03-04 (월) 22:49 5 Years ago Address
저도 짝짝이라서 수술을 결심했은데 무섭네요 .. 스케일이 점점 커져서 (앞트임에 눈매에 ..) ㅠㅠ 혹시 병원 정보도 알 수 잇을까요 ? 여러 병원을 다시 봐야될 것 같아서요 .. 어플로는 지금 불안해서... ㅠㅠ
걱걱걱 Writer 2019-03-05 (화) 18:24 5 Years ago Address
[@Dlddid] 병원홍보같아서 쪽지로 남깁니다.
주우 2019-03-05 (화) 01:45 5 Years ago Address
멍은 온찜질 꾸준히 해주면 자연스레 빠질거에요!
걱걱걱 Writer 2019-03-05 (화) 18:26 5 Years ago Address
[@주우] 네. 정말 기도하면서 주문하면서 이번 삼일절 연휴동안 집안에 쳐박혀서 온찜질하고 그랬더니 확실히 많이 옅어졌어요. 이번주만 더 정성들이면 될거 같아요. 응원해주셔서 감사합니다.
Alice0123 2019-03-05 (화) 17:17 5 Years ago Address
저도 자연유착 알아보는중인데...혹시 병원정보 원장님 가격정보 부탁드려도 괜찮을까요?
걱걱걱 Writer 2019-03-05 (화) 18:33 5 Years ago Address
[@Alice0123] 조심스레 쪽지로...^^
hammoo 2019-03-07 (목) 05:11 5 Years ago Address
다행이네요 저도 내일 하러갑니다 떨려요
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