<전><후>I think I posted this a month ago, but it's already been 3 months.
Every time I look at the previous photo, I think of the moments when I was stressed.
I thought he was a rather attractive musou, but everyone who saw him said he looked sleepy and glared at him.
And if you open your eyes even just a little bit, wrinkles appear on your forehead,,
But after doing it, it was easy to open my eyes and people around me said my lines were pretty.
The important thing is that I thought it went really well hahahahahaha
It seems worth paying for the surgery;;
At first, the director set the maximum line that my eyes could grasp.
I was worried that it would become a sausage line. But I think I did a good job of trusting and entrusting it to the director. haha.
I was so happy that the swelling went down and it felt like it wasn't a sausage. I was worried about swelling because it was an incision.
I didn't take things like ice packs or pumpkin juice because I was too lazy, but the swelling seemed to go down better than if I didn't use them!
I'll try to bring a review later when time passes!! Haha I hope the surgery is successful and you have beautiful eyes★