Hello everyone~ Its been 6 months since my surgery! Now that its been 6 months, can you see a visibly different look from before? As you can see, I am living my life in a way that is so pretty! I was worried a lot about when the swelling would go down because it was different for each person, but I personally think it has gone down well and there is nothing inconvenient! Everyone I meet asks a lot about natural adhesion of eye correction and everyone wants to do it haha And looking from the side, they say that I am really envious of her because she has a very high nose. Anyway, I have a strange habit of opening my eyes (for example, I open my eyes with my forehead?) If there are such people, I really recommend correcting the eyes! Its so easy to open your eyes and the lines are pretty, so you get a good look and its one stone and two birds! In the case of the nose, it was originally a Bokko that felt like hitting clay with a fist, but after correction, I got a really thin and natural nose.