절개 쌍수랑 앞트임하고 오늘 실밥 풀었는데 눈 앞머리에 아직 몽고주름이 남아있는 거 같아요ㅜㅠ 고개를 살짝 치켜 들었을 때의 눈 앞머리 모양도 짝짝이에요ㅜㅠ 아직 실밥을 푼지 얼마 안돼서 그런걸까요? 벌써부터 망한 거 같아서 걱정이에요ㅜㅜ 수술 했던 병원에서 as를 해줄까요? 전보다는 앞이 트여지긴 했으나 갈고리모양 또는 ><모양으로 몽고주름이 아직 남아있는 거 같아서 걱정이에요ㅜㅠ
포토샵으로 눈 앞머리 흉을 지워봤는데 시간 지나면 이렇게 될 수 있을까요? ㅜㅠ
Were you originally interested in Mongolia? I have eyes that can't be removed structurally.
와다뿅Writer2021-12-18 (토) 06:332 Years ago
[@Kjjjjing] I can see the hook shape, but I don't know if it's severe TTㅠ Can you tell me which eyes are structurally impossible to get rid of? If it's structurally impossible to get rid of, I think I'll be able to live with it.
monoflower2021-12-17 (금) 23:232 Years ago
I don't know about asymmetry.
와다뿅Writer2021-12-18 (토) 06:342 Years ago
[@monoflower] Is that so? It snows once, so I keep paying attention to it, so it looks like a pair of twins ㅠㅠ
수감자2021-12-18 (토) 16:382 Years ago
good job
와다뿅Writer2021-12-19 (일) 04:082 Years ago
[@Prisoner] Thank you!!
그니그니2021-12-18 (토) 18:242 Years ago
Does the front slit improve the Mongolian folds?
와다뿅Writer2021-12-19 (일) 04:072 Years ago
[@Gnigni] It usually improves. But my eyes don't know when I see it ㅠㅠ
고냥이냥냥이2021-12-20 (월) 18:432 Years ago
Even with incision, the line is natural.
와다뿅Writer2021-12-26 (일) 13:432 Years ago
[@Catcat] My natural eyeball size is small, so I think it's because I grabbed it with a low line.
아워즈본2021-12-20 (월) 23:462 Years ago
As you said, the Mongolian folds are still there, so you can tell when the swelling goes down.
와다뿅Writer2021-12-26 (일) 13:452 Years ago
[@Hoursborn] I'll wait until the swelling goes away! When I look in the mirror, I can only see the hooks in the front of my eyes, so I'm going to ask ass.
GGUMi32021-12-22 (수) 23:292 Years ago
It's an incision, but there is little bruising and swelling! I think it's good