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Eyelid job

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I'll show you all the back slits are attached.

냥2 2021-11-21 (일) 21:50 3 Years ago 3834

This is for one eye lol It's been 5 years, but it's better to have it all attached . Nonsense~ My eyes never grow . The hospital is just a small local hospital. For reference, I asked the doctor, so I didn't get it, so just don't open the back itself. Put on makeup. It's been 5 years and I'm suddenly angry. If I were a friend, I would carry a packed lunch and dry it.

Comment 33
그게그거 2021-11-21 (일) 21:53 3 Years ago Address
Wow.. I was in the same situation as the author in less than a year, but it still didn't stick, but I'm glad it's better than it was in a bad state.
냥2 Writer 2021-11-21 (일) 21:56 3 Years ago Address
[@That's it] I'd rather say I'm glad that it sticks haha ​​There's something called regenerative power... People who forcibly torn something up and down keep trying to stick it back together, but I'm curious as to how it will be maintained.
그게그거 2021-11-21 (일) 21:58 3 Years ago Address
[@ Nyan2] That's right, I'm surprised by the regenerative power too ㅋㅋ I wasted my money ㅠ Still, it's not a worse situation, I'm fortunate.
넌멋진놈이야 2021-11-21 (일) 22:36 3 Years ago Address
Is this surgery to destroy the structure of the eye?
디비딥딕 2021-11-21 (일) 22:59 3 Years ago Address
You have pretty eyes~ Nice to see your review!
구르망 2021-11-21 (일) 23:30 3 Years ago Address
Did you have a U-shape before sticking?
냥2 Writer 2021-11-22 (월) 00:58 3 Years ago Address
[ @Gourmand] It was a letter U, so there is no picture.
한지문 2021-11-22 (월) 12:42 3 Years ago Address
You've worked hard on your heart. Your eyes are very pretty. Thank you for leaving a review. I will never open the back.
자존감높이기프로젝트 2021-11-22 (월) 13:13 3 Years ago Address
Wow, I spent money on plastic surgery, but it hurts and it comes back to the way it was ... You must be really upset ㅜㅜ I was thinking of getting rid of it, but after seeing this, I think I should close it.. Thank you for the review.
Sk22 2021-11-22 (월) 17:06 3 Years ago Address
아 ㅜㅜ 뒷트임 수술한 내내 충혈되고 따갑고 그러셨나요?ㅠㅠ
냥2 Writer 2021-11-22 (월) 20:16 3 Years ago Address
[@Sk22] 네 따가워 미치는줄 충혈은 기본~
honeybebe 2021-11-22 (월) 20:22 3 Years ago Address
뒤트임에 대한 의견 공감합니다ㅋ
삼이영 2021-11-22 (월) 21:13 3 Years ago Address
제 친구도 다 붙었더라고요..
붙기전엔 안구건조증이 심하고
뒷트임은 비추인것같아요ㅜ
93ㅎㅎ 2021-11-22 (월) 23:48 3 Years ago Address
삼촌네 2021-11-23 (화) 16:02 3 Years ago Address
성형이 복불복이면
뒷트임은 거의 복불복중 복불복인듯
프로필설정 2021-11-23 (화) 18:19 3 Years ago Address
요즘 뒷트임 넘 고민중인데 좋은 글 감사합니다ㅠㅠ
김비몽 2021-11-23 (화) 22:36 3 Years ago Address
헉 뒷트임 고민하고 있었는데 ㅜㅜ
논렌 2021-11-24 (수) 12:41 3 Years ago Address
긴 눈매는 타고나야겠죠ㅠㅠ
dfafefd 2021-11-24 (수) 21:59 3 Years ago Address
오옹... 역시 뒷트임은 하면 안되는건가요... 명심하겠습니다..!
새벽aa 2021-11-25 (목) 01:19 3 Years ago Address
그래두 크게 흉 남으신 것 같진 않아 다행이시네요 ㅠㅠ ! 뒷트임 예전엔 엄청 하고 싶었는데 나이가 들수록 하면 안되는 수술인가 싶어요 ㅎ ;;
sshd 2021-11-25 (목) 05:48 3 Years ago Address
저도 뒤트임만큼은 엄청 후회중 ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
옆태만은신세경 2021-11-25 (목) 10:39 3 Years ago Address
정보 감사합니다...
눈눈눈누 2021-11-25 (목) 20:00 3 Years ago Address
여성분이 그정도면 남자는 뒤트임 절대하면 안되겟네요 ㅜ
하나0407 2021-11-26 (금) 00:43 3 Years ago Address
머지 사진으로 봣을땐 괜찮아 보이시는데요? ㅜ
제친구가 훨 심해요 ㅜㅜ
쏜니닝 2021-11-26 (금) 03:00 3 Years ago Address
뒤트임 하면 다시 붙는다는 이야기는 들었는데 실제 경험하신 분 글을 보니까 더 와닿네요... 많이 속상하셨겠어요ㅠㅠㅜ
정성하 2021-11-26 (금) 13:31 3 Years ago Address
데미안싱클레어 2021-11-27 (토) 02:43 3 Years ago Address
글에서 빡침이 전해지는군요
러블리제이 2021-11-27 (토) 12:57 3 Years ago Address
어디서하셨었는데요?ㅡㅜㅠㄱㄹ 성형외과에서 할랭ㅎ는데...아예 하지말아야되나봐요...
dksjodajs 2021-11-30 (화) 10:08 3 Years ago Address
눈 어떻게든 길어지고 싶어서 이것저것 알아봤는데 눈 길이는 타고나야 하나보네요 ,. , , ,
체루류 2021-12-01 (수) 19:01 3 Years ago Address
헐..저도할려했는데 신중히 고민해야겠네요
재재재수빨리 2022-06-02 (목) 15:16 2 Years ago Address
욕심금물 2023-01-21 (토) 11:53 1 Years ago Address
저도 진짜 후회막심한 1인입니다. 6갤만에 복원 예정입니다.
지니닝잉 2023-04-19 (수) 14:33 1 Years ago Address
혹시 어떤 방식으로 수술하셨는지 기억나세요?
저는 절개하고 골막고정인데 차라리 빨리 붙어버리기라도 했으면 좋겠는데 안붙을까봐 걱정이에요. 몇개월째 따갑고 거슬리네여ㅜㅜ
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