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Eyelid job

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Day 8 of natural adhesion.. Will I fall more??

고구마감자221 2021-04-15 (목) 18:14 3 Years ago 2293

It's been 8 days since the natural adhesion surgery.. Only half of the stitches were loosened. Will there be more swelling? My eyes are looking too strong right now.. it looks like I'm feeling it ㅠㅠ I'm a guy and I think I asked for an in-out line for nothing. Should I have just asked for an in-line?

Comment 16
새아 2021-04-15 (목) 18:59 3 Years ago Address
Of course, it falls out even more.
yullllia 2021-04-15 (목) 21:28 3 Years ago Address
I've been falling for 3 months
옹알37 2021-04-16 (금) 00:27 3 Years ago Address
If the swelling on the 8th day is that low, I think it went well naturally.
하하후헤허 2021-04-16 (금) 08:52 3 Years ago Address
Right! On the 8th, it seems that there is not much swelling and it seems that it will take some time for the double eyelids to settle!! Everyone talks differently, but 3 months is the most... Most people say that they are the prettiest.
앵두맛쥬스 2021-04-16 (금) 09:35 3 Years ago Address
I fall a lot more.. It was the first natural adhesion between my twins, and my line was the prettiest for 3 months, and after that, it became more natural..
춥네요 2021-04-17 (토) 14:40 3 Years ago Address
If that's the case, I think it could be a couple.
uiiiiiiiii… 2021-04-17 (토) 23:16 3 Years ago Address
지금눈도 괜찮으신데 8일차면 진짜 붓기 빠진것도 이니예요 한달 이상 지나야 붓기 어느정도 빠졌다고 볼 수있고 그 이후로도 붓기는 계속 빠져요...
지끔kj 2021-04-18 (일) 03:37 3 Years ago Address
붓기 계속 빠져서 완전히 빠지면 자리 멋지게 잡을 것 같야요
단추 2021-04-19 (월) 03:43 3 Years ago Address
아직 엄청 부어있는거에여 ;;;
쌍수고민4343 2021-04-19 (월) 03:55 3 Years ago Address
8일차면 한참 남으셨어요 ㅎㅎ 좀만 기다려보세요
예듀윌 2021-04-22 (목) 18:10 3 Years ago Address
8일차면 더 빠지시겠네용 ㅎㅎ
오작 2021-04-23 (금) 13:30 3 Years ago Address
지금 한참 심할때라 일주일 정도 더 지나면 많이 빠져있을거에요 ㅎㅎ
듀두딘 2021-04-23 (금) 22:55 3 Years ago Address
붓기 쭉쭉 빠질 거예요
반은 얇아지실듯
완벽한밸런스 2021-04-25 (일) 19:28 3 Years ago Address
아무리 매몰이라고 해도 8일차면 엄청 얇은것같아요!
아이렌27 2021-04-26 (월) 21:23 3 Years ago Address
* 비밀글 입니다.
숭의동사는 2021-04-27 (화) 17:01 3 Years ago Address
8일차면 아직이에요! 최소 한달은 지나야 해용~! 자연스럽게 잘 되셨어요
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