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Eyelid job

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one eye revision surgery

니똥칼라 2018-04-03 (화) 00:36 6 Years ago 913
I corrected my double eyelids, and one worked fine and the other failed. Two years later, I had only one reoperation, but it was not completely, but it was adjusted well with a non-incision. Before the hiatus, it felt like my eyelids were a little covered, but now I think I will live. But there is no such thing as perfect symmetry

Comment 5
guess3 2018-04-03 (화) 01:03 6 Years ago Address
다행이에요! 저도 한쪽만 2주전에 다시 했는데. 잘 된것 같긴하지만 아직 붓기땜에 좀 신경쓰이네요.. ㅠ
밍봉밍봉 2021-02-20 (토) 01:29 3 Years ago Address
[@guess3] 현재 양쪽이 비슷한가요??
윤썹 2018-04-04 (수) 23:14 6 Years ago Address
저는 상담 받을 때 한 쪽만 해주는 건 안 된다고 했는데
잘 되셔서 부럽고 다행이에요
감자탕수제비 2018-04-13 (금) 18:45 6 Years ago Address
완벽한 대칭..아무래도 사람의 손으로 하다보니 그렇겠죠?
눈수술01 2019-04-09 (화) 20:54 5 Years ago Address
병원정보 알 수있을까요.?
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