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Eyelid job

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I can see the thread on my double eyelid line and can feel it when I touch it.

너굴잉잉 2019-03-16 (토) 01:18 5 Years ago 1541
It's the 9th day of double eyelids. On the 2nd day, the stitches were removed from the tip of the eye. The black color in the eye is very visible and it feels so good that it will pop out when touched . You can see how many stitches you have sewn under fluorescent light; The burial method. When I open my eyes, the upper eyelid is really pretty ㅠㅠ There is no scar, and these stitches are very visible in the eyes.

Comment 9
불주먹 2019-03-16 (토) 08:56 5 Years ago Address
The stitches come out little by little as they get fatter. Even at the end of the month, the stitches came out and I took them out at home haha ​​It's still the ninth day, so please wait.
너굴잉잉 Writer 2019-03-16 (토) 14:55 5 Years ago Address
[@Fire Fist] Thank you!!
이요올 2019-03-17 (일) 17:11 5 Years ago Address
It's because time hasn't passed yet~ When the swelling goes down, it subsides.
양념통닭 2019-03-19 (화) 15:11 5 Years ago Address
저도 진짜심했네요 한달까진 보라색실밥같은거보였음
그때학교가야되서 빨간부위에 비비엄청떡칠하고
다녔던 기억이나네요
아서스12 2019-03-19 (화) 23:32 5 Years ago Address
저도 3주찬데 아직..보여요 ㅠ
ㅅㅁㅅㅁ 2019-03-20 (수) 15:00 5 Years ago Address
병원 가보셨어요 ? ㅠ
테일러힐 2019-03-24 (일) 23:04 5 Years ago Address
계속보여요 세달은되야 아물어지면서덜보이는거같아요
자꾸확인하면 스트레스받으니보지마세요ㅜ
Dysl 2019-04-23 (화) 22:18 5 Years ago Address
요즘 파란실쓰지않아요? 파란실은 색다빠져서 나중에 투명해지는데 검정실은잘모르겟네요ㅜ
dkdkfkhdns 2019-09-20 (금) 17:35 5 Years ago Address
지금은 어떠세요 ㅠㅠ제가 지금 그래요 볼록볼록...
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