<가장 최근><1년되었을때><쌍수한지 한달><1년하고 3개월>It's been over a year and 6 months since I had double eyelids. I've already corrected the eyes and made an incision. I've been doing double eyelids for about 2 years! ㅇAnd the power to open my eyes was also raised with my forehead, so I was recommended to correct my eyes ㅜㅜㅜ
Until 4-5 months after I was double-headed, the swelling went down too slowly, and there were scars, so I couldn’t organize my lines, suffered mentally, suffered stress and regretted it. I used to do it a lot, but now, as if I was worried about it, there are people who don't know it because it's so natural ㅠㅠ People who suffer from swelling like me... Time really is medicine..!!! I didn't take any medications to get rid of the swelling, but I think I went for a walk!! If you wait really patiently, it seems that everything will fall out!