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Eyelid job

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Review of double eyes (eight epicanthoplasty, eye correction, incision)

동동이빨 2019-01-17 (목) 08:46 5 Years ago 705
I had double eyelid surgery just yesterday, and the eye correction really, really hurts. I think it was Kebacae, but I cried 5 times in the operating room... It's so bad that I don't want to do it again... I hope you take note of it and go to see if the swelling in double eyelids goes away quickly. Does anyone know how to get rid of it except cold compresses, sleeping while sitting, and pumpkin juice!!!

Comment 4
잉엥 2019-01-17 (목) 09:07 5 Years ago Address
산책 많이하세요!!! 주변에 공원있으면 모자푹눌러쓰고 2바퀴정도만 해도효과있을겁니당!
워리찡 2019-01-17 (목) 09:46 5 Years ago Address
호에에엑 2019-01-18 (금) 00:06 5 Years ago Address
아아ㅏ 저도 눈매교정 하는데 많이아픈가요ㅠㅠㅠ
썬이 2019-01-19 (토) 14:23 5 Years ago Address
진짜 저도 삼인ㅅ전에 했는데 당일날이 너무 힘들었어요ㅜㅜㅡ
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