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Eyelid job

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4th year in Busan

콜록 2018-10-07 (일) 03:49 6 Years ago 1340
After the entrance exam, I followed my friend for eye surgery. With a friend's network, I got a consultation with the director and gave cash between 80-90 for sunken + eye correction . I remember that I got a great discount, my friend . Wow... I thought it was going to be very noticeable, but because it was buried, it didn't heal much. It went very naturally. It was visible until about a year after the operation, but from the second year of the operation, the kids didn't even know how to look. It is as thin as a line that occurs and when you touch it with your hand, there is a slight foreign feeling, but there is no tee . I remember saying I didn’t do it if I wanted to

Comment 5
얼마나맛있게요 2018-10-08 (월) 06:14 6 Years ago Address
Top 3 is always the best place in Busan. Even in Noble, my friend's eyes became glamorous because of the cut.
콜록 Writer 2018-10-10 (수) 00:48 6 Years ago Address
[ @How delicious] That's right. I think the director is really good at it.. That's why counseling is so difficult..
초롱초로기 2018-10-09 (화) 18:57 6 Years ago Address
That's why I'm also thinking about re-surgery ㅠㅠ I 'm just worried.
콜록 Writer 2018-10-10 (수) 00:50 6 Years ago Address
[@초롱초로기] 한 번 상담받아 보세요... 저 매몰말고도 트임도 엄청 하고싶어했는데 원장님이 잘 붙는다구 추천도 별로 안하시는거 보면 양심적이신거 같아요 친구는 눈사이가 멀어서 앞트임만 추천했다구 하더라구요
쪼매난이뿌늬 2018-11-28 (수) 13:22 6 Years ago Address
노블레스 센텀? 거기 홍인식 원장님이 유명하고 경력도 젤 많은걸루 알고있어요
20여년간 진료해오면서 수술비 환불이 한번도 없었다던데 그만큼 만족도 높은거같아요
병원 알아보실때 이런거 의사 이력같은거 알아보고 결정 천천히 하셨음 도움되실거 같아요~~
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